Chapter 324 Impressed By Olivia’s Skill

“Young Master Nolan, there’s a seven-second gap here.” Eugene furrowed his brows together as it seemed like someone had deliberately deleted some parts of the footage.

“Keep rewinding. I want to know who else Chris came into contact with before he served the drinks.”

Again, the security officer rewound the footage and to no one’s surprise, there was another gap which lasted for 4.37 minutes.

Eugene sneered at how Aleena had naively thought that she would be able to get away with it just by deleting the footage but at the same time, he couldn’t help but be impressed by how resourceful she was.

Then, he gave an instruction to the bodyguards standing outside, “Lock Chris up first.”

bodyguards acknowledged his

made space for Olivia and how insistent she had been to propose

look like she was on her guard at all when

fixedly at the screen to check what they had been so busy doing at the time that made them miss

the footage, Olivia was seen lifting up her wine glass and turning her body to face Aleena, and just like that, the plate on the table was pushed onto the floor by her arm. What followed shortly after that was them

before looking up confusedly at Alex and Hayden, who appeared

figure out how Olivia had done it

had a hunch that she must have done something at that time. It was just that when the footage was playing at normal speed, they couldn’t see

“Play the footage at a

said and it was only when the footage was playing 8 times slower than the normal speed did Eugene manage to

manner before the plate was dropped so that when she later turned her body, she would be able to reach the plate with her arm. Just as Aleena bent down to check if she was injured, she made use of that opportunity to place the

done everything so swiftly that no one

naturally take the glass which was nearer

skill, exclaimed, “My goodness, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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