Chapter 372 I Can’t Destroy This

Looking surprised, North greeted him and asked, “Uncle Brian, why are you here?” Brian smiled. “Your mommy invited me over to have dumplings for dinner!”

North replied, “I see. Do you know how to make them?” Brian replied, “Yes.” North immediately looked at him longingly. “You know how to make dumplings? Can you teach me?”

Brian asked, “You want to learn?” North looked mature as he said, “I can’t not learn this; what if my future girlfriend also doesn’t know how to make dumplings?”

Brian was stunned momentarily before he smiled. “You think quite far ahead indeed.”

Eugene said, “Yes. Learn to make dumplings. Men who don’t know how to cook can’t get any girlfriends.”

Olivia was speechless upon hearing that. What is this education style?

On top of that, are they implying that I don’t know anything about cooking?

at Olivia as an afterthought. Seeing that she was trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, as if she was trying to sink into the ground, he couldn’t help smiling. “It’s not shameful to not know how to make dumplings. Many people don’t know as well, and

he finished his sentence, he became quiet

say. He had learned how to make dumplings with Eugene. The first dumplings that

past. Instead, he said, “So you can make them later.” Then, he deliberately looked at Olivia. “What do you

her eyes. Don’t

you still ask

retorted indignantly, “I know how to

smiled as he chirped in, “I know

was speechless after

do I feel that

laughed. “It’s fine! I’ll

the fillings of the dumplings. They were indeed making everything from scratch—the fillings, the dough,

even use ready-made

much about this, she walked into the kitchen as if she knew how to cook. “What can

basin. “You know how to rinse chives,

took the basin from him angrily. “Eugene, I can take care of myself perfectly! Do you think I don’t even know how to rinse

annoyed. “Alright, alright.

was speechless

want to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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