Chapter 379 The Sister-In-Law That Popped Out Of Nowhere

It took Eugene a while to realize that Brian was referring to Olivia. It left him bemused. “She’s your sister-in-law.”

Brian chuckled. “I don’t even have a brother; why would I have a sister-in-law?” Irritated, Eugene replied, “She doesn’t love you.”

Brian retorted, “You’d better take good care of her. If you ever treat her wrong, I’ll come after you!” Eugene was lost for words. At this point, he thought twice about calling Brian his brother.

The Quintets didn’t get what they wanted last night, so they might come back for

me that.”

into the night. At Edward’s house, Lara turned to Edward after she hung up. “It appears that Eugene has made up with Brian. Our people just saw Brian leaving the Muse Peninsula

“It’s not only Eugene who lives in Muse Peninsula;

He didn’t even show up for Grandpa’s birthday party, so how would he go meet Nathan? It would have been even more convincing if he were to meet

Eugene and Brian very well; they are both stubborn as mules. After all these years of fighting

Quintets had their hands on the goods yesterday, but another group of men, armored in black, came by. Based on their description, they somehow seemed like Eugene’s men. If what you said is true, who

“It might very well be a new gang Brian cultivated in the

Jones Family went into the security control room with Eugene and came out acting differently? They were so adamant, throwing nasty accusations at us, like taking advantage, forcing, and even raping. I

the Jones Family. Aleena

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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