Chapter 991 Jewel Is Back

As Olivia spoke, George walked out of North's room and said, "Why did it take so long to go get someone?"

"George?" Jewel called out with a smile.

Smiling, he walked over to her and replied, "Hi, Jewel."

He reached out and pulled her into his embrace. "It's great to see you again. I didn't expect to see you."

Her tears also fell at his words. Perhaps no one could understand their feelings. They were comrades who had experienced life and death together, watched each other's backs, and fought side by side in dangerous situations.

"I feel the same way. It's great to see you all."

George let go of Jewel and stated, "Let me have a good look at you. You've lost weight and look even more beautiful now."

She chuckled at that. "You look even more handsome than in the videos."

"Sit down," he said while gesturing for her to sit. "Is your throat better?"

"Yes, it's much better," Jewel reassured. "Olivia helped me to regulate it. She gives me a prescription every month, and now I can speak a lot at once, albeit slowly. She said I will get better with practice."

"Don't worry. Actually, it's already much better now. Are you still taking the medication?"

As Olivia spoka, Gaorga walkad out of North's room and said, "Why did it taka so long to go gat somaona?"

"Gaorga?" Jawal callad out with a smila.

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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