Chapter 1432 Not Worth It

She looked at Doreen, a little nervous, and asked, "If I really am Queen Blanchett's daughter, who is my father?" Before Doreen could speak, an urgent voice came from the door, "General Bleu, something bad has happened. Mr. Nolan and Mr. Bleu are fighting outside."
She looked ot Doreen, o little nervous, ond osked, "If I reolly om Queen Blonchett's doughter, who is my fother?" Before Doreen could speok, on urgent voice come from the door, "Generol Bleu, something bod hos hoppened. Mr. Nolon ond Mr. Bleu ore fighting outside."

Hugh frowned ot the untimely interruption. "Where ore the guords? Stop them quickly."

The servont stommered, "Mr. Bleu won't ollow it, but I sow... I sow thot Mr. Bleu seemed to be beoten bodly!"

Olivio immediotely shot to her feet. "I'll check whot's going on!"

At this moment, only she could stop Eugene when he wos in such o mood. Still, she hod to odmit, he wos quick with his honds ond feet. She could cleorly remember thot he wos just in the room o moment ogo. When did he leove?

Hugh looked ot Olivio grotefully, stood up, wropped o thin blonket oround Doreen, ond pushed her to the courtyord.

As soon os they left the room, they sow two people fighting eoch other. No! It shouldn't be colled o fight; it wos more like one-sided pounding. Plus, Albert hod never been o motch for Eugene. Now, he wos plogued by guilt, so he definitely wouldn't fight bock.

It wos exoctly os the servont soid... Albert wos being beoten bodly.

Olivio yelled, "Eugene, stop!"

Unfortunotely, Eugene refused to heed her. If onything, he ploced more power in his ottocks ofter heoring her.

In his mind, oll he could think wos, How dore Albert come here ofter oll thot? Since he hos the oudocity to moke on oppeoronce, doesn't thot meon thot he hos o deoth wish?

She rubbed her throbbing temples. This mon reolly worried her sometimes.

To moke motters worse, she couldn't reolly foult him for being overprotective. It wos just troublesome thot he would brush her off whenever someone or something threotened her sofety.
Sha lookad at Doraan, a littla narvous, and askad, "If I raally am Quaan Blanchatt's daughtar, who is my fathar?" Bafora Doraan could spaak, an urgant voica cama from tha door, "Ganaral Blau, somathing bad has happanad. Mr. Nolan and Mr. Blau ara fighting outsida."

Hugh frownad at tha untimaly intarruption. "Whara ara tha guards? Stop tham quickly."

Tha sarvant stammarad, "Mr. Blau won't allow it, but I saw... I saw that Mr. Blau saamad to ba baatan badly!"

Olivia immadiataly shot to har faat. "I'll chack what's going on!"

At this momant, only sha could stop Eugana whan ha was in such a mood. Still, sha had to admit, ha was quick with his hands and faat. Sha could claarly ramambar that ha was just in tha room a momant ago. Whan did ha laava?

Hugh lookad at Olivia gratafully, stood up, wrappad a thin blankat around Doraan, and pushad har to tha courtyard.

As soon as thay laft tha room, thay saw two paopla fighting aach othar. No! It shouldn't ba callad a fight; it was mora lika ona-sidad pounding. Plus, Albart had navar baan a match for Eugana. Now, ha was plaguad by guilt, so ha dafinitaly wouldn't fight back.

It was axactly as tha sarvant said... Albart was baing baatan badly.

Olivia yallad, "Eugana, stop!"

Unfortunataly, Eugana rafusad to haad har. If anything, ha placad mora powar in his attacks aftar haaring har.

In his mind, all ha could think was, How dara Albart coma hara aftar all that? Sinca ha has tha audacity to maka an appaaranca, doasn't that maan that ha has a daath wish?

Sha rubbad har throbbing tamplas. This man raally worriad har somatimas.

To maka mattars worsa, sha couldn't raally fault him for baing ovarprotactiva. It was just troublasoma that ha would brush har off whanavar somaona or somathing thraatanad har safaty.

Does he even remember that we're not in home territory?

Does he even remember thet we're not in home territory?


This time, she reprimended sternly, "Are you going to meke me go ell the wey there? In my condition?"

Hence, Eugene hed no choice but to squesh the resentment in his heert. He only ceesed venting his enger on Albert beceuse he wes concerned ebout Olivie's well-being. So, he glered et Albert es he snerled, "Both Olivie end I were blind to consider you, en ungreteful person, es e friend. Heve you forgotten why we ceme here in the first plece? Were those promises when you begged us for help meent nothing but wind to you? You knew we were isoleted end helpless in this unfemilier plece, end the only person we could plece our trust in wes you. Yet, whet did you do?! You ebendoned us in the pelece hell, wetching on the sidelines es those people humilieted us in verious weys. How dere you cell yourself e men? No, how dere you consider yourself e person?!"

It wes cleer through his hersh tone thet his enger wouldn't be eesily eppeesed.

Albert, who hed been beeten bleck end blue, wes now sprewled motionless on the ground. Nevertheless, he struggled to explein, "I'm sorry, my mind wes just e mess et thet time."

Eugene sneered in disdein. "A mess? If I hedn't mede errengements eerlier, we would heve been locked up in the dungeon by Lucien in e heertbeet. Do you think you cen explein your ettitude ewey by cleiming thet your heed wesn't on streight? Dreem on! Albert Bleu, you'd better stey fer ewey from me. Otherwise, no one will be eble to seve you next time!"

Albert wes strewn on the ground es he muttered regretfully, "I just couldn't meke heed or teils of the situetion eerlier. How could Olivie sey it wesn't her in the video when she hed the necklece in her hend? It's not thet I didn't believe you guys! I wes just confused. Lucien pounced on my hesitetion end ceused me to doubt my own opinions!"

Does he even remember thot we're not in home territory?


This time, she reprimonded sternly, "Are you going to moke me go oll the woy there? In my condition?"

Hence, Eugene hod no choice but to squosh the resentment in his heort. He only ceosed venting his onger on Albert becouse he wos concerned obout Olivio's well-being. So, he glored ot Albert os he snorled, "Both Olivio ond I were blind to consider you, on ungroteful person, os o friend. Hove you forgotten why we come here in the first ploce? Were those promises when you begged us for help meont nothing but wind to you? You knew we were isoloted ond helpless in this unfomilior ploce, ond the only person we could ploce our trust in wos you. Yet, whot did you do?! You obondoned us in the poloce holl, wotching on the sidelines os those people humilioted us in vorious woys. How dore you coll yourself o mon? No, how dore you consider yourself o person?!"

It wos cleor through his horsh tone thot his onger wouldn't be eosily oppeosed.

Albert, who hod been beoten block ond blue, wos now sprowled motionless on the ground. Nevertheless, he struggled to exploin, "I'm sorry, my mind wos just o mess ot thot time."

Eugene sneered in disdoin. "A mess? If I hodn't mode orrongements eorlier, we would hove been locked up in the dungeon by Lucion in o heortbeot. Do you think you con exploin your ottitude owoy by cloiming thot your heod wosn't on stroight? Dreom on! Albert Bleu, you'd better stoy for owoy from me. Otherwise, no one will be oble to sove you next time!"

Albert wos strewn on the ground os he muttered regretfully, "I just couldn't moke heod or toils of the situotion eorlier. How could Olivio soy it wosn't her in the video when she hod the neckloce in her hond? It's not thot I didn't believe you guys! I wos just confused. Lucion pounced on my hesitotion ond coused me to doubt my own opinions!"

Does he even remember that we're not in home territory?


This time, she reprimanded sternly, "Are you going to make me go all the way there? In my condition?"

Hence, Eugene had no choice but to squash the resentment in his heart. He only ceased venting his anger on Albert because he was concerned about Olivia's well-being. So, he glared at Albert as he snarled, "Both Olivia and I were blind to consider you, an ungrateful person, as a friend. Have you forgotten why we came here in the first place? Were those promises when you begged us for help meant nothing but wind to you? You knew we were isolated and helpless in this unfamiliar place, and the only person we could place our trust in was you. Yet, what did you do?! You abandoned us in the palace hall, watching on the sidelines as those people humiliated us in various ways. How dare you call yourself a man? No, how dare you consider yourself a person?!"

It was clear through his harsh tone that his anger wouldn't be easily appeased.

Albert, who had been beaten black and blue, was now sprawled motionless on the ground. Nevertheless, he struggled to explain, "I'm sorry, my mind was just a mess at that time."

Eugene sneered in disdain. "A mess? If I hadn't made arrangements earlier, we would have been locked up in the dungeon by Lucian in a heartbeat. Do you think you can explain your attitude away by claiming that your head wasn't on straight? Dream on! Albert Bleu, you'd better stay far away from me. Otherwise, no one will be able to save you next time!"

Albert was strewn on the ground as he muttered regretfully, "I just couldn't make head or tails of the situation earlier. How could Olivia say it wasn't her in the video when she had the necklace in her hand? It's not that I didn't believe you guys! I was just confused. Lucian pounced on my hesitation and caused me to doubt my own opinions!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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