She read the relevant information about Darcie again downstairs. Darcie had become an authoritative pharmacist at a very young age, which could easily make people have doubts.

Aubree face turned sullen. If this woman came to fool her on purpose, she would make her pay!

It was Darcie that rekindled hope in her heart.

As darkness fell, the Marsh Group building was brightly lit, and the employees were leaving one after another.

Ivan was held up at the company because of some work, so he came home late.

His Lamborghini finally stopped at Emerald Bay.

The driver opened the car door for him. Ivan stepped out, wearing a deep-color Burberry tailor-made coat. He strode toward the mansion like a royalty.

"Hello, Mr. Marsh." Jordan greeted him at the door and took the coat off him.

Ivan walked upstairs and came down again after a while.

The butler was very puzzled, and Ivan asked, "Jennifer's not home yet?"

The butler shook his head.

"Been out all day?"


went out so early and hadn't come back yet. Where

in front of the butler but went upstairs

phone to call her. Unexpectedly, her phone was turned


injected with the nutrients, he went to take a hot bath. He wondered what he

didn't leave

taking a bath, he went into the study and read a book for a while. He

probably wouldn't be

bad mood. Lying on the bed alone, his

lingers in front of his eyes

it. And this night, Rowan and Jennifer, who were in Kelsington Bay, stayed

save time, they had to develop the first drug as soon as possible, because the second drug had to be applied every

sunset broke

of medicine was

on the table and breathed a sigh of relief. Jennifer was still

an experiment?" Rowan was

is no time. We can only give it a shot." She lowered her voice, "Her skin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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