On such a beautiful morning, just looking at Jennifer, Ivan felt his soul, which had been empty for 38 years, was now full.

Jennifer was having a long, long dream...

She dreamed that she put on a white wedding dress and walked on the red carpet happily.

It was a grand wedding. Many guests were there to bless them.

Ivan was standing at the end of the red carpet in a tailored-made suit. He reached out to her.

She walked towards him step by step. The wedding song was displayed in the background

But the closer she got, the blurrier he became.

The moment she stood still, he disappeared.

“Ivan!” Jennifer looked around. The smiling guests disappeared too. The grand wedding was also gone...

She stood alone on the lawn in her wedding dress, with nothing around her.

Heavy rain poured down on her.


from her sleep, Jennifer saw Ivan right in front

the next second, he

looked at him blankly but didn't

want to

She shook her head.

up, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and changed her clothes. Then, he took her to the dining room. While cutting the steak, Jennifer glanced at Ivan, and said in a soft voice, "Were you awake

didn't sleep


is happening. I was too happy to sleep.” Jennifer brought a piece of steak to his lips with a silver fork, "Open your mouth, a small piece would be fine. You have been taking the medicine for a while, so let me see if

a good mood. He opened his mouth to taste the steak. "Remember to take medicine." Jennifer reminded Ivan again. That was her last


the yard, dozens of reporters had arrived.

changed into a dress. When she walked out of the dressing room, time seemed to stand still. All eyes

nose, her eyelashes... Everything was

with a tube top and a large skirt,

is so beautiful!" Alice was stunned. “I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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