Linda didn’t notice Catherine all the way. Sitting on a window seat, she peered out of the window. Gradually, she thought about Finnley and Mya in his bed.

She was jealous and upset.

When the bus arrived at her destination, Linda returned to her senses and got off the bus. Catherine followed her.

Under the beautiful sunset glory, Linda walked toward her rented apartment without looking back.

She was exhausted. Since Finnley was on vacation, she had to deal with more tasks. She went upstairs and downstairs more than 20 times and took the minutes for several meetings.

Her apartment was far away from downtown. Her shadow was elongated on the ground by the sunlight.

Finally, Linda noticed a shadow behind her. She stopped mid-step, and so did that shadow.

“Am I stalked?"

Her heart tightened. Linda inwardly told herself not to fear as it was still the daytime.

plucked up her courage and turned around. Then she

it were before, she would greet Catherine

at each other

Linda,” Catherine walked up and greeted her apologetically to break

However, she didn’t know what

I don’t want to lose a friend like you. I returned from Roxy Fall to see you,” Catherine explained, “My design team is still there. I came to you deliberately. In fact, I haven't slept

words made Linda

Five minutes later.

shop nearby. It

two tiramisu and two cups of latte, all paid for by Catherine immediately. “Linda, I'm sure you must have something in your mind.” Catherine knew her well. “I also knew you'd changed your impression of me.” “Catherine,” Linda interrupted gently, “You represent the R-Alan

was startled. “Sometimes I

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convince her, “Linda, do you know how sad I felt

you want to break off our

I went to your hometown to get everything arranged and accompanied you to the hospital while your mother was operated on. Why

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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