"Who is Finnley?" John asked, puzzled.

Eloise's beautiful eyes were filled with astonishment. She stared at the photo for a long time, but couldn't get over it. She felt the blood in her body start to coagulate.

She didn’t want to believe her eyes. But at the same time, she was happy to finally get some news about him. She had been looking for him for half a year!

God! Finnleyl

Holly, Eloise’s servant, was also shocked. She had never seen Finnley, but she had heard of his name. "Is it your fiancé? Why is he with a woman?"

John froze for a moment, “Is he your fiancé who disappeared?" “Uncle.” Eloise came back to her senses, and quickly asked with a glimmer of hope, "What's going on with them? Are they lovers? Or... was it just the angle of your camera?"

There was no need to lie about this kind of thing, and there it was pointless deceiving her.

So, John said honestly, "According to my judgment, they are lovers." Eloise asked again, "Is it true, as you said in the interview, that you don't know them?"

“Nope. It was the first time and the last time that I'd seen them."

staggered a few steps back. "Lady

felt sad. She smiled wryly, "I searched every inch of Jacksonville

“Lady Eloise...”

fists, "To avoid me, he even abandoned his parents!" “Lady Eloise, calm down." Holly was worried that Eloise would have an asthma attack. So, she kept

also supported her, "Sit down first." Then

on the Internet. This photography competition was held every three years in Arkpool City. Due to the big awards, it had been

information she wanted in the comment

The netizens were strong.

and Mya?" Someone saw the

the Marsh Group paid attention to this competition. They zoomed

Mya and Mr.

Brooks" assistant? “It looks like her,

like? It

Is that a secret


like a

“I finally find you, Finnley.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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