Catherine was slightly taken aback. His words poke her raw nerves. She darted at Leslie, who wore an attentive smile and expected her to take the cup over. If she did, his effort to arrange the gathering wouldn't be in vain.

Catherine liked vodka because of Ivan.

Staring at the liquor, she couldn't help but recall the celestial-like man. She breathed the air in the same city as him but seemed thousands of miles away from him.

“Take it,” Leslie repeated. “I can guarantee you'll like it. It'll not be wasted if a beauty takes it. I also trust your taste in liquor.”

Catherine had high taste in everything as she was wealthy.

She took the cup over, a familiar sharp pang rising in her heart. Last time, she drank vodka with Ivan as they celebrated signing a cooperation contract with a client.

It was rare as they were alone as Finnley left for something urgent. The moonlight was beautiful, and the wind was gentle that night.

It was the past that she always missed but could never return.

At the entrance of Royal Nightclub, all the security guards and bodyguards stood in lines on alert.

parked, two ushers rushed to open the door. “Good evening, Mr.

wrapped his perfect body figure.

lobby, all the bodyguards and security guards bowed at him respectfully. “Good evening,

the chilly wind,


The Marsh Group.

Jennifer took the same elevator to go downstairs. They both

they were together, Linda felt awkward, which was

“How's your mother doing now?” she asked like a friend,

returned to her senses and answered, “She's checked out of the hospital. Thank you for your

and glanced at Linda several times.


had probably found

to figure out other reasons. She thought everyone had the right to choose how to live, and Linda's change was not surprising

the company, Jennifer sat in the car prepared by Hank. When the car roared away, she saw Linda hail a taxi instead of going to catch the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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