In a certain car heading here, Claire was sitting next to Mr. Wilson. She turned to look at the scenery outside the window and suddenly remembered something.

How was she going to thank Tristan? She didn't even have his number. He came from Arkpool City, but would he return to Arkpool City?

He was sitting in a Lamborghini, so he must live here, right? At least he can't be traveling here.

Claire didn't like owing people. She wouldn't be able to enjoy herself without thanking Tristan properly.

She owed Tristan a big favor.

If it weren't for him, she would have been taken away by the American police, and she would be locked somewhere now.

"Claire, how's your income recently?" Mr. Wilson's concerned voice pulled her back from her thoughts.

Claire replied modestly, "I sold a few small copyrights, and they are being filmed. I'm lucky this year."

“You are young and creative. You know what young people prefer. Good job, keep going!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wilson, for your encouragement. I will study your work and improve myself. I believe that I will gain a lot from meeting Mr. Burton today too."

"Even if you can't improve your writhing in a minute, I am sure you will get the spirit." Mr. Wilson told her.

to read, and exercise, and starts writing at ten o'clock in the morning. He writes

"I see."

she could write

minutes later, they

manor of classic

beside which were green trees. Beautiful sunset fell from the gaps in the leaves,

was a large piece of green grass. A Lamborghini was

tell you something.” Jill, in a brown suit, appeared at

stood by the


the Attorney General of New

daughter named Lydia, who is about your age. He wants me to

He understood what Jill meant. Although he didn't like the idea, he didn't interrupt Jill at

will be here soon, you guys can get to know each

here tonight too. With many people here, it

a sip of tea and looked up at him, "You'll decide if you like her. I will never force

freedom were all

He wouldn't force Tristan.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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