Chapter 1275 Missing Him

In the private jet, Tristan and Ivan half-lied in their seats. Jennifer was making fruit tea for them. "Tristan, you are indeed attractive. William is conceited, but he wants you to be his son-in-law.”

“That old man always looks down his nose at others," Ivan echoed, "He started looking for Daniel's husband when she was still a child." Tristan felt annoyed, however. Heaving a sigh, he replied, "I didn't expect him to play such a trick. Is he still living in Middle Ages? Besides, his daughter is only 18."

"If you hadn't called me earlier or I hadn't realized your situation back then..." Jennifer looked at him while making tea. "I can't imagine if you'd already married his daughter under his pressure.”

Before Tristan answered, Ivan asked, "Who is that girl on your bed, Tristan? Why wasn't his daughter there?" He had been wondering this question for a long time.

Ivan couldn't figure out the answer as it looked too illogical.

Tristan's heart jolted. He explained, "The girl on my bed... She's... It's a long story. She's just a friend of mine who has done me a favor, anyway."

"Did you spend the night together?"

“In a simple way, we stayed in the same room."

"Did she pretend to be your girlfriend?" Jennifer blurted out.

explained, "Nothing has happened between us. She slept

"Did William believe it?"

"Not completely.”

how could she have agreed to pretend to be your girlfriend? Besides, she was willing to spend a whole night with you in the

he first met Monica. Taking over the teacup from Jennifer, he replied flatly, “Stop being so curious."

it. We're family.” van smiled at him. "Andrew

he would meet her

had promised to let go of her

in thought. "Honey, will Finnley return to his

let him go. However,

is aging. As the only child in the Russell

is competent. I believe his company

smart and working hard," Ivan complimented him, "After marrying, he became more responsible.

tell Finnley

woman and has a happy

Russell's Residence, Arkpool City.

It was evening.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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