"What questions? Ask me now! Don't wait until we're in front of Tristan.” Monica was particularly afraid that her mother would act out of the ordinary, "As long as I know the answer, I'll tell you everything!"

"Of course, I won't ask in front of him." Belinda said, "That's why I'm driving. I just want to get some information from you."

The mother and daughter took the elevator downstairs.

Monica also had something to tell her, "Tonight is just a simple dinner, so don't ask too many questions. It'll be awkward since we're not at the stage of formally meeting the parents.”

“I know," Belinda thought. As the girl's mother, she had to ask what needed to be asked.

"Mom." Monica took her arm as they left the elevator and reminded her again, "Tristan and I haven't been dating for very long, so you don't have to discuss deep topics. It's not time yet."

But Belinda said to her, "I know what I should do. However, whether it's dating or getting married, there are some things I need to discuss with him as your mother. This is based on my love for you."

"Ah?7?" The girl was startled, "What do I need to explain? It's a free love era now. Parents don't worry about it much, as long as we think it's appropriate.”

the car, Belinda started the engine and asked her, "Does he have a romantic history? I couldn't find anything

don't think so?" She didn't know either, she wasn't even Tristan's girlfriend, how could she know

her daughter, "You don't even know his past? Does he have ex-girlfriends? How many ex-girlfriends? Do you

to dinner tonight, worried that things might go wrong, "He has no romantic history!" She declared confidently,

her daughter for the restaurant's location, and started the navigation. She couldn't help but sigh, "It seems sincere enough, a good location. This meal will cost at least a hundred

Tristan really this formal? She felt

kept twitching, as if something bad was about to

aback, thinking it was

rejected the call. Before she could mute her phone, Algerone Swain called

pick up?” Belinda glanced at her while driving, "What

"My dad..."

holding the ringing phone, "I didn't want to answer because it might upset you, but I can guarantee that

continued to

it. She slid her finger over the answer button, "Hello, Dad,"


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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