Chapter 1431: Forgot to Bring Clothes During Shower

Tristan was pondering over a question... Why, in a dire situation, did he risk his life for Monica? Even at that moment, he really didn't think about anything. Even if it meant dying with her, he would jump down. When did Monica take such an important position in his heart? Even Tristan himself hadn't noticed it.

Standing under the shower, amidst the billowing steam, he was looking for an answer to this question. In the end, he could only conclude that he had fallen for Monica... This liking was different from his feelings for Claire, it was of a different degree. Looking back now, his feelings for Claire were more of a fondness. Her justice, her courage to stand up for her friends, it all moved him greatly. However, compared to that, Tristan felt his feelings for Monica were even more genuine.

Tristan had never been in a romantic relationship, he didn't have the experience to maintain a perfect love. Perhaps due to a lack of security from his childhood, Tristan was a bit clumsy in matters of the heart and didn't dare to hope too much, despite his outstanding qualities. But he had a strong impulse to protect Monica for the rest of his life.

Standing under the shower with his eyes closed and head tilted back, the misty water wet his tightly closed eyelashes, the moist streams of water cascaded down his shoulders, his chest... Thanks to his regular workouts, he had the perfect male physique, with strong muscles, and a body better than international male models.

As the water quieted down, Tristan took a towel to dry his body, only to realize that he had not brought his clothes in! He was embarrassed for a few seconds, then cracked open the bathroom door, "Monica?" "What's up?" The girl put down her empty cup and stood up. Having just finished drinking ginger soup, she walked towards the bathroom. Hearing the footsteps, Tristan closed the door in a panic, “I, I forgot to bring my clothes, can you help me get them?"

"Just the shirt?" The girl asked.

“No, I didn't bring my pants either." He was truly embarrassed, "They're in the black travel bag.”

neatly folded, obviously belonging

“The underwear is in the small bag on

his dress shirt and trousers. According to

They were red??

her composure, holding

eyes and stretched

reached out from the frosted glass door

turned around with her eyes closed, hearing the door closing

and took a deep breath, her heart fluttering like a

to open the door, the food delivery had arrived, "Miss Swain,


"Enjoy your meal.”

took the bag and closed the

you order?"

"Cheese pot."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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