Chapter 38

Larissa was stunned for two seconds before realizing that he had completely misunderstood her.

She explained hurriedly. “No, I don’t want to kill him-” Then, she told him about everything that had happened today.

On the other end of the phone, Dylan, having realized his mistake, blushed in


He covered his mouth with his hand, coughing lightly before regaining his


“To be honest, I’ve been handling divorce cases for so many years, but I’ve never encountered a situation where the husband dies halfway through the court ruling process. Of course, your ex–husband is not dead yet, but in the event that he does, the normal procedure would be to continue the inheritance process. As for how much money you would get from the property, you’ll have to wait until the lawsuit is

over and settled.”

The process sounded very long to her. Larissa couldn’t help but sigh in frustration.

thought to herself. She must have been really unlucky in this life to have all that

hesitated for a while before continuing. “With the shameless behavior displayed by your ex- husband’s family, I suspect it would be

words had to

the same spot she had occupied the last few times she was

call her as soon as they saw Mrs. Hardy in order for her to be prepared and leave secretly through the hotel’s emergency back entrance. But Mrs. Hardy was more patient

intercept Larissa that day, Mrs. Hardy came to the hotel every day after, and every time she came, she

heavily every day for the past week in Covenford

All over the city, stagnant puddles

inconvenient, most of the citizens chose to use public transport as their main traveling means. In that week itself, no matter if it was peak hour or not,

less–than–ideal conditions, Mrs. Hardy showed up every day anyway, her presence even

rain. When she was hungry, she would take a few bites of the buns she’d brought along with her. And when she was thirsty, she

the sympathy of quite a

once. “Ms.

without giving much thought to

day, she received another call from the security guard, his voice anxious

interact with the Hardy family, she was forced to attend to the situation

and was now

completely soaked and plastered to her skin,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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