Chapter 162

Like a deer caught in headlights, Lana stared at him silently, eyes wide. The tears in her eyes failed to all. When the elevator reached the 19th floor. Kevan led Larissa out of L not sparing a glance at Lana.

“Thank you” Larissa said.

His words conveyed her true feelings. However, she could never bring hersell to say them. The experiences she had as a child made her understand that nobody was obligated to treat her well, not even family or friends. Hence, she never could condemn or throw a tantrum like Lana had just done. Although the thought did cross her mind from time to time, all she could do was feel sad about it.

“Even your sister is willing to cook a meal to thank me, but all you can do is say thank you?”

Kevan had already let go of her. At the moment, he was leaning against her apartment door as he looked at her, eyebrows raised in displeasure.

“Well… should I cook a meal for you?”

Kevan scoffed. “A meal won’t be enough.”


maming. As long as you’re not on duty in the evening. I’ll pick you up. At least

to Microworks to have lunch with me. As for dinner. it depends

it Larissa realized that she was the one benefiting more from

understand what he was doing.

as if he

slow Larissa was. However, Larissa wasn’t as slow

gave him. She had even guessed that Lana had feelings for him, and a few hours

up every day

believed Lana did that because she

had a different opinion. “Yeah, they reconciled, but she won’t let me know. Isn’t that because

to keep her


Holding her face, he slowly approached her until the tips of their noses nearly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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