Chapter 210

Everyone left the room and closed the door behind them, leaving only Larissa and Reuben in the room.

“I’m sorry.” Reuben said again.

Without a trace of emotion on her face, Larissa pulled her shirt back on, adjusting it before getting off the bed on her own.

“I had no choice, I’m sorry,” Reuben continued to mutter to himself, “If I didn’t do this… I would suffer in my family.”

Larissa stopped in her tracks, but she didn’t tum around.

Staring blankly at the door, she sneered and said. “You don’t need to apologize. People who don’t act for themselves will only lose out in the end. I understand you.”

She didn’t blame Reuben. She only blamed hersell for naively trusting others easily. Reuben had taught her a profound lesson today, and she decided to be grateful to him,

she could wear it, she went back to her room and changed into a hocdie, before going

there. Yvette was wearing an angry and ashamed expression, while Xavier and Jay seemed rather calm. Meanwhile, sitting beside Jay Cole, Reuben was staring at

Reuben and Mr. Cole,”

gaze swept across the room, scanning

are you mistaken?” she asked with a sneer. “Shouldn’t you all be apologizing to


to rush forward but

of energy. I don’t think someone in the late stage of

the armrests of the chair tightly, the veins of her arms

ungrateful brat! I took care of you for

corrected her. “I went to university in Covenford when I was seventeen, and I’ve been paying for my own expenses through part-time jobs ever since.

how you repay me?” Yvette glared

supper and breakfast? Should I act like I have no idea that you wanted Reuben to force himself upon me? Should I admit that I seduced Reuben

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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