Chapter 216

Regardless of whom she married, it would be a union between the Coles and Seymours

Nonetheless, why did Dorian keep calling her “wife as if he was certain that she would eventually marry him? Just moments ago in the study, Jay talked to her about her marriage with


Jay turned to glare fiercely at Dorian sternly reprimanding him, “Shut up!”

Then he replied to Kevan. “Of course, she will marry Reuben. Don’t parents have the most say in marriage? Mr. and Mrs. Seymour and myself have already agreed to Larissa and Reuben’s marriage. Larissa herself also has intentions-”

“No, no, no, Mr. Cole, Larissa interrupted him. That was before. The situation has changed now”

She put her head on Kevan’s shoulder and smiled sweetly.

will be deposited directly into my account. Compared to your installment plan of five million

the insult that


what to do!”

must marry Reuben,” Yvette said to

Kevan. Hence, she had to pave the way for Lana’s future. If Lana

own considerations. Although Kevan’s dowry of

entire five million dollars in dowry from the Coles was deposited in Larissa’s account, there would be a guaranteed deal between

must be

to pressure Xavier and

far!” Yvette warned her, “You’re getting married, not

I’ll be sold in the end anyway. It’s better for everyone to compete fairly, and the highest

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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