Chapter 81

“Don’t be concerned, Elspeth. I will take care of Max!” Yelena stated.

Max locked his gaze on her. “I don’t need your care!”

Elspeth nodded when she heard that. “Okay. Go ahead, then.”

After saying goodbye to Max and Yelena, Elspeth went to the hospital alone.

Since it had been three days, the DNA test results would be ready.

However, she had no intention of reading the report when she received it.

She was confident that she and Callum were not biologically related. Margot only told a complicated falsehood to keep the two of them apart.

Elspeth then returned the report to the Winthrop Residence. She ran into Arthur, who was at home changing clothes.

When he noticed the report in her palm, he lifted his brows and smiled significantly. “What did you do, Elspeth?”

“It’s none of your concern. Don’t you have anything more important to do?”

She had stopped being cordial to him since the previous event.

Arthur turned pale upon hearing that. Then, he remembered Elspeth’s rage was justified, so he regained his composure. “Don’t be mad at me, Elspeth. You’ll soon realize that sticking with me is the best option.”

when she heard him talking gibberish. “You think that is the right decision? No, thank you. I can’t get help if you try to get rid of

would never be able to

she will return in a short time. Even if he wants to be with you, she will

attempting to

while taking a step back. “You should run

speaking, she went upstairs

his head helplessly

never learn

the Winthrop Family was present. Elspeth took the opportunity to take the DNA

we need to clarify certain

Mr. Winthrop. I don’t want to say anything hurtful since it will

and silently ate while

not herself. She couldn’t stand it when others disparaged a nice woman like

to the report? Margot didn’t want

and spoke for Elspeth, now stated, “Take a look,

usually gentle and non-provoking, to say something like that. He was even siding with

Blake couldn’t bear the thought of Elspeth being harmed. “Don’t hurt an innocent person, Morn. Elspeth couldn’t possibly be Dad’s

in, “That’s correct, Mom. Elspeth’s mother

for Elspeth, but his look indicated that he felt

Margot grumbled to herself, Elspeth is an evil witch! She has

my mother is a good and honest person. I can’t let her face this kind of injustice now that her whereabouts are unknown. Please read

causing problems at that moment, so

that the two had no blood ties, she knew that her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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