Chapter 666 You’re Also an Important Person

Elspeth could not contain her laughter upon hearing how Cameron addressed her. She was amused that he called her "Elsie" like she was young enough to be his sister or a peer but called Edmund "Daddy." He has a way with words!

However, the boy was perplexed because, in his mind, she appeared so young and beautiful that she must be an older sister, so he didn't see any problem with him addressing her in this manner.

Meanwhile, Callum, who had been standing behind his wife, was entirely disregarded by Cameron, who seemed not to notice him. Instead, the boy sprinted over and grabbed Elspeth's hand, a faint grin spreading across his face. "Elsie, I know you have a great relationship with Daddy. Come with me, and I'll make you some tea."

She was taken aback by his unexpected sweetness and charm, and a wave of maternal affection washed over her, and she couldn't help but reach out to tousle his hair. "Sure."

Clearly, I am related to him by blood? How dare he ignore me when he sees a pretty lady? Callum's face darkened at this thought as he followed them inside.

Once inside, Cameron showed off his maturity by pouring tea for her.

Then, Callum asked, pointing to the empty cup before him, "Why didn't you pour anything for me?"

After hearing this, Cameron glanced at him leisurely and retorted, "Mr. Winthrop, if you want tea, pour it yourself."

Nevertheless, Elspeth was perplexed by the contrast in demeanor and blatant hostility, so she inquired, "Cam, what's wrong? Don't you like Uncle Callum?"

As soon as Cameron heard this, he turned into a docile and endearing little boy. "No. How could I possibly have any ill feelings toward Uncle Callum? Since I poured only one cup of tea, it's only for you. I'm sure he won't mind."

This brat must be doing it on purpose! Callum took a deep breath and paused to give the situation careful thought. This is my son, and I should not descend to his level of immaturity. After having this thought, he was able to calm down.

fondness for her and asked, "Cam, how do you know me?" If I am not mistaken, I

Cameron playfully approached Elspeth, rubbing his head against her hand. His fluffy hair made her feel even more affection

were my son."

eyes instantly lit up. "Elsie, are you serious? Do

as a child's wish and nodded firmly as a sign of affection. "Yes, I think you're

in the boy's eyes, and he said, "Actually,

quiet until now, suddenly had a bad premonition. I have a feeling this little rascal has a wicked


Cameron wanted her to be his godmother and was about to propose it when he said

Daddy, then you can be my mommy." The boy thought his suggestion was incredibly brilliant, as he was still young and always believed

Callum's face darkened, and before she could speak, he flatly refused, "That's

fierce tone, he almost couldn't hold back his tears. "Look at him. I just made a suggestion. I didn't do anything, yet he

and she consoled the boy, "Cam, don't be upset. He just

head and glared at her. "I know. I won't stoop to

snorted at him and turned his head, burying

are father and son. Will Cameron regret his actions if he discovers he is Callum's child and is helping someone steal his father's wife? The more I try to picture this happening, the funnier it becomes. However, based on the current situation, the boy has a deep-seated hostility toward

like that again, I'll have your father kick you out," Callum threatened Cameron after seeing that he had

as his nose twitched and he burst

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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