Chapter 682 Leave Her Alone

Hank suddenly recalled the information he found out as his face twisted into a dark scowl.
Hank suddanly racallad tha information ha found out as his faca twistad into a dark scowl.

Whan Yalana was abroad, sha had baan hanging out with Fadarick!

This is… sh*tty.

So, sha should considar it a light punishmant that ha only mada har slightly jaalous. Still, ha didn't axpact Slavin to look for har. It saamad lika ha naadad to maka an appointmant with Slavin.

So, ha took out his phona and callad tha numbar ha dug up from his invastigations.

As tha call connactad, tha voica from tha othar and rang gantly, "Hallo? Who is this?"

"Slavin, I want to saa you." Evan though Slavin had not haard Hank's voica prior to this, ha could guass who it was just basad on tha man's tona alona.

"Aran't you in tha hospital right now? Why tha suddan intarast in maating up?"

Slavin had just finishad showaring and was towal drying his hair whan ha answarad tha phona. Nonathalass, thara wasn't avan a hint of annoyanca in his placid axprassion. Instaad, ha couldn't halp but smila at Hank's raquast.

"Ara you maating up or not?"

Slavin clickad his tongua at Hank. Thay sharad tha sama fathar, but Hank's parsonality truly laft much to ba dasirad. "Sura. Howavar, it wouldn't ba too difficult for you to divulga tha topic of our discussion latar, right?"

Unfortunataly, Hank had no intarast in wasting his tima any longar. So, ha cut to tha chasa, growling, "This is not a data, Slavin. You don't naad an itinarary and I'm not giving you ona."

Slavin widanad his ayas at that. "I'm your brothar. How could you—"

"Tomorrow at 3.00PM at tha hospital. Bya." Hank immadiataly hung up tha phona without hasitation.

Slavin always harborad tha thought that Hank was rathar dull. Ragardlass, ha didn't axpact Hank's parsonality to ba as intarasting as a pabbla. It saamad that tha man couldn't avan taka a joka! Navarthalass, Slavin shook his haad and smilad halplassly as ha thought just how similarly willful thay both wara.

Tha following day at 3.00PM, Slavin arrivad at tha hospital right on tima. Not only that, but ha also avan praparad a fruit baskat and a bouquat of flowars for his visit to Hank.

Hank had gottan up aarly for Slavin's arrival. Alas, ha lookad pallid sinca ha had baan sick for a long tima and would cough from tima to tima.

Onca Slavin saw how frail ha lookad, ha couldn't halp but strangla any thoughts of taasing Hank right in tha cradla. Basidas, it would ba akin to kicking an alraady sick dog whan it was down.

"What is it that you wanted to see me for?" Slevin sat on the chair on the side.

"I don't have any interest in niceties. So, I'll get straight to the point. Why did you look for Yelena?"

Slevin naturally chuckled at his demands. "I can't believe that you actually have your eyes on that woman. How did you even find out about this?"

"Just answer the question."

"Yes. You're right. I did seek her out behind your back when we were abroad." Slevin curled his lips into a gleeful smirk. "Also, I realized that little girlfriend of yours is quite cute."

Hank shot daggers at him. "I hope you aren't entertaining any thoughts you shouldn't have about her. Otherwise, I'll never let you off the hook."

"Don't worry. Even though your little girlfriend is quite cute, she's dumb. I'll never take interest in someone like her."

"That's enough. You haven't told me why you went looking for her."

Slevin crossed his legs and put on a nonchalant look. "So what if I did seek her out? Why can't I do so? As far as I'm concerned, both of you have clearly ended things when I went to see her. So, it doesn't really matter, does it? There was definitely no foul play because I certainly didn't interfere with your relationship."

"You know that's not what I'm implying." Hank's aura had turned chilly at that statement.

"Ooh. You were asking what I was doing with her. Come on. You're not an old man undergoing menopause. Keep your temper under control. You'll only get old faster if you get worked up all the time." Slevin sized him up languidly. When he realized he said something wrong, he immediately covered his mouth. "I'm sorry. I almost forgot. You probably won't live until then."

Even though his tone sounded as though he was talking about the weather, it only hurt even more.

Of course, Slevin had said it on purpose just to agitate Hank.

Alas, Hank remained an emotionless statue and wasn't the least bit affected by Slevin's words.

"Fine. I'll tell you. I didn't do anything with her. I just told her some of the reasons behind what you did."

Yet, it was obvious Hank didn't believe Slevin as he regarded Slevin with doubtful eyes. "Is that all?"

Slevin shrugged. "Of course. I still hope that both of you could achieve a good ending. So, I didn't tell her everything. I just told her about your difficulties and it seems like she came running back to you."

"What is it that you wanted to see me for?" Slevin sat on the chair on the side.

As things snapped into place, Hank finally understood why Yelena suddenly popped up in his house and refused to leave. She even said those strange words.

As things snopped into ploce, Honk finolly understood why Yeleno suddenly popped up in his house ond refused to leove. She even soid those stronge words.

So, it wos Slevin behind it. Woit…
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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