Chapter 91

Shela laughed even louder, “Oh come on, Mr. Ramirez, don’t be like that…”

She was deliberately squandering all those supplements to keep Letitia from getting any nourishment.

She hated that child she’s carrying, doing everything in her power to make Letitia lose the baby!

“Aren’t you supposed to be in the hospital resting up for the baby?” Letitia took a deep breath to keep her cool, “What brings you to Ivory Towers?”

“The doc said I’m stable enough to be discharged, just need to be careful from now on.”

“Your home is at Breezy Bay Condos

Shela lifted her chin smugly. “Mr. Ramirez said, starting today. I’m living at Ivory Towers. Because I’m pregnant, he wants to spend more time with me, to be there for the baby!”

What? Shela moving in?

Then what about her? How’s she supposed to live from now on? Does she even want to?

Shela’s always stirring up trouble, scheming and targeting her and her baby!

Plus, Shela’s pregnant too, and if something were to happen… if Shela played the pregnancy card, she’d be framed and wouldn’t have a leg to stand on!

“Impossible,” Letitia blurted out without thinking. “In Ivory Towers, it’s her or me, not both!”

Shela might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but she’s definitely not a pushover.

If it were just Letitia, she’d take her on, make sure Shela couldn’t stay a day longer in Ivory Towers. But with a baby on board, she

couldn’t take any risks

And if anything happened to Shela, she’d be sure to get the blame! This was a lose-lose situation!

“Mr. Ramirez, listen to her, she can’t stand me,” Shela pouted, “Fine, I guess I should just leave…”

Elgin raised his hand to stop her, “Sit down.”

“But she doesnt welcome me

“Letitia, Elgin asked, “You really think you’re the lady of the house?”

“I know my place,” Letitia answered, “I’m just stating my position-I can’t and won’t live under the same roof as Shela.”

“Then get lost.”

She agreed instantly, “I’ll move

there, the farther from Elgin the

face darkened. Stop

told me to get lost,” Letitia retorted confidently, “I’m just following orders.”

nearly had

“I’d love to move out, not to

this as an excuse

Shela, retorting, “Fine, then she

her coldly. “Both


her, and you

had his backing. And Letitia? She had no one behind her, just herself,

“Letitia, as long as you don’t mess with me, I won’t do anything to you… Besides, I’m not one to cause trouble.

I ever bullied you?”

many times, I just don’t hold it against you.” Letitia rolled her

“The date on your divorce agreement with Mr. Ramirez is coming up, you won’t be Mrs. Ramirez for


on her

chose to back down a step. “You guys take the master bedroom, I’ll stay on the first floor, and

away from these two, the better!

the first floor? Oh my, you’ve become a guest now,

couldn’t bear

let’s do what she wishes

“Letitia, you’ll stay in

living room fell silent.

eyes widened in

a guest, the maid’s quarters suit you

to burst with joy.

to see Letitia brought low like

“…Okay.” Letitia accepted.

than sleeping on the

her own space now!

didn’t have to worry about sleepwalking into Elgin’s bed,

bit of freedom

was frantic, “Mrs. Ramirez, how can

whatever he says goes.” With that, Letitia smiled, “Butler, please show me the way,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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