Chapter 110

Shela finally got it and giggled, “That makes sense… This ring is truly meant for the real Mrs. Ramirez to have.”

Che was bursting with joy inside, picking up the ring and deliberately showing it off to Letitia.

It’s so gorgeous, ordinary folks would have to hustle for generations to afford it,” Shela said. “It’s just too beautiful. With this on my finger, all the ladies in AquaCity will be green with envy…”

She slowly slipped the ring onto her ring finger, basking in the sunlight, admiring it non-stop.

It was so pretty. Shela totally digs this kind of lavish style.

She strutted over to Letitia, “What do you think? All thanks to your design, huh?”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Letitia said with a smile, “I hope when you wear it out, you don’t go around saying I designed it”

“Why? Jealous much?”

“Because it’s a stain on my design career, Letitia responded. “I don’t want to admit something so tacky and tasteless came from me.”

“Hmph, you’re just jealous of me!”

Letitia stood up, “Yep, the whole world’s jealous of you. I won’t intrude on your little love nest any longer, I’m outta here.”

“Wait, you killed my baby, I haven’t forgiven you for that!” Shela called her back, “You’re not getting off the hook that easy!”

Shela wanted her to get an abortion again, and she was pushing her so hard.

Letitia clenched her teeth, trying to stay cool, “It’s peak season for the Jewelry Department right now, with new releases and marketing to handle, I’m swamped. Unless you want to destroy the sales of ‘Ramirez Romantica’ that we’ve just built up!”

“Ramirez Romantica’s best-seller was Letitia’s Radiant Beam, the star product.

If she had a miscarriage, she definitely wouldn’t be able to work, and both her mental and physical health would take a massive hit.

Shela didn’t expect Letitia to come at her with such an indisputable argument.

“Mr. Ramirez, she…”

“Mr. Ramirez has to think about the company too,” Letitia cut in, “why the rush right now?”

Just wait a little longer, just give it a little more time.

on, the day she’d have the proof wasn’t far off!

at her with deep eyes, “Letitia, you just keep making

how long she could drag this out.

getting bigger by the day, and it’s just getting more

and left in a

Jewelry Department, she was a bit restless, uncertain if the bug

Vidonia called

on, listen to this,” Vidonia passed her the specialized earpiece

sound was crystal clear, not glitchy

well, Letitia noted. “I wonder if it’ll be just as effective if she puts it in her purse or

down the drain. You know how much that tiny thing cost… uh…” Vidonia

sorry for the expense, I’ll pay you back when

money, what matters is


huddled together, intently listening to the conversations coming through the earpiece.

still in Eigin’s

are you free

Tm bury

we can… we can

Elgin remained silent.

I really want to have your child… this miscarriage has given me

overcome it.

talk about it

seize the moment, who

with you.”

this, Letitia was taken aback.

moved into the

had assumed that after she moved to the servant’s quarters, Shela had been sharing a

refused her, “from tonight on, you’re moving back to

“What?! But,”

Letitia should stay separate, to avoid further incidents.”

a complete sentence. She had just settled in, still buzzing with

balance. She had been pregnant and then had a miscarriage,

“Mr. Ramirez, do you have… feelings for Letitia?”

did you

her,” Shela complained, she’s good at seducing

Letitia was speechless.

everyone was like her, always trying to please

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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