Chapter 122

Elgin just barged right past her with quite the shove. Letitia stumbled back a couple of steps and ended up falling down.

The door slammed shut with a bang, and Elgin was gone.

His way of loving her, was straight-up diabolical! Letitia’s heart kept sinking, her palm clutching tight

It was late Elgin walked in the night, an air of brooding menace about him.

Yep. Letitia had hit the nail on the head again

He didn’t know how to love, and he had never truly loved anyone

He thought he loved Shela, but now he realized that he had no feelings for Shela whatsoever

His feelings for Letitia, though, they snuck up on him, growing bit by bit over time

Elgin had tried to ease up, to smooth things over with her, but no dice.

He was trying to learn, trying to back off, but Letitia wasn’t having any of it

So… hed kick things off his way A devil’s romance!

Elgin adjusted his tie and a cruel, bloodthirsty smirk played on his lips.

When he was ready to really start things with Letitia, he’d stop at nothing to make her depend on him and him alone!

The next day, the sun crept up slowly.

Elgin walked into the dining room and ordered, Go, bring Letitia here.”

“Yes, Mr. Pamirez

Letitia was still reeling from last night’s terror, couldn’t catch a wink of sleep after Elgin left

She wasn’t scared of Elgin’s hatred. His sudden love that scared the bejeezus out of her!

His love, that’s scarier than hate!

With her heart in her throat, Letitia entered the dining room, “You wanted to see me?”

Elgin was sipping his coffee all suave, “Take a seat.

grab breakfast at the cafe next to

say it

they first met. Back to his icy, aloof, business

no choice but to sit her butt

a feast, with vaned food, but her appetite was in her boots, eating like she was

she put

glanced over. Thats

I’m not big on

on her plate. “You can

wanted to say no, but one look at his eyes and she silently

not to challenge him, she’s not going to come out on top of that

days. Elgin added, “Focus on your

they sent a


a slight smirk, his expression an enigma.

in Letitia’s mouth got

something was about to go

Ramirez, I don’t know what happened, Ms. Ward is here, kneeling and crying at the gate, insisting

wornan in check, and she ends up at Ivory

“TII deal with the bodyguard

Chapter 122

get lost, Elgin hissed. ‘I don’t want to see her


to be so smitten with Shela, now could be this heartless!

piled on her plate, Letitia thought she had a chance to scoot when Elgin spoke again “Ride with me.

“Try saying no

but to

the car left Ivory Towers, Letitia caught a glimpse of Shela

to the ground by two bodyguards, her mouth sealed with


every trick in the book to see Elgin.

the drama outside. He sat

the driver floored it, and

cushioning her forehead to prevent a collision

going on? Elgin sounded peeved

Ramirez, someone’s blocking the way, we’d hit them

was Mark, arms spread wide, practically hugging the car’s


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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