Chapter 133

Shela couldn’t stand Letitia with her delicate, dainty demeanor and her air of elegance, and she’d taken more than a few opportunities to mess with her.

After getting to know Elgin, she got even bolder with him backing her up, giving Letitia a hard time again and again.

But look at her now! Shela never in a million years thought Letitia would end up on top!

There was no way she could swallow that kind of humiliation!

“Letitia, I’ll remember what you did today,” Shela muttered to herself with venom, “Just wait till I catch my break, I’ll make sure you pay for !!! You’ll be begging on your knees!”

She wiped her face with force, looking at the toilet and then hurling again.

Damn it, toilet water… she drank it all!

That low-down Letitia! She had to go to her father and brainstorm some revenge!

In the hospital room.

Letitia was about to close the door when Elgin held it open.

She pushed hard, trying to shut it, but he easily pushed back and strode in

“Why you always shadowing me? Letitia shot him a look. “Aren’t you supposed to be sweet-talking your Shela?”

“Why would I do that?”

“She’s your woman, your darling, your sweetheart, isn’t she?”

Elgin replied coolly, “No, she’s not. You are.”

Letitia was taken aback by his straightforward response, and didn’t quite know what to say.

Are all men so shameless? Sweet as honey when they’re in love, cold as ice when they’re not.

Letitia couldn’t help but sneer, “I remember how you used to be all over Shela, so attentive and caring. And look at how quickly things change.

“I never had feelings for Shela”

you even believe that yourself?”

locking eyes with her, “With her, it’s always

Letitia was

sort it out with her

or helped you

her surprise, Elgin

hit the

marrying her, indulging her, it’s

hummed in confirmation.

eyes for a few seconds, then shifted her gaze,

make it clear, tell

thought he liked Shela. But as time went by, and he got to know

Letitia had, unknowingly,

is just

fool. Shela had thought that attaching herself to Elgin would guarantee her the status of his wife, but what had she accomplished? The minute Elgin declared he didn’t love her, she was left

she can’t accept the fact, still hoping Elgin

pulled back, while Shela was sinking deeper,

a book

of Figin wasn’t even there, teave him

had Elgin ever been left hanging like this? He

believe me?” he raised an eyebrow, “You’re one tough cookie

trying to sweet-talk me?”


Letitia was speechless.

its limits. Elgin pulled up a chair and sat down by the bed, “Letitia, a

clueless type. Go sweet-talk someone else, I don’t need it”

brows knit together, clearly displeased

a page, trying to read on, but with Elgin

come sweet talk me Elgin, you and I, we’re nothing but enemies. Once your little crush fades, I’ll probably

she was wide

worth how fragile it might be, she understood it

and ran into his arms, that would be

her child from her, she hated him, and

her father was responsible for his father’s

an insurmountable misunderstanding between them!

her in silence, his gaze deep and vast as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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