Chapter 135

When Letitia spoke loudly, her hands would nutter uncontrollably, leaving a slender scratch on her neck from the sharp knife blade.

it wasn’t deep, but it broke the skin, and blood began to ooze out slowly.

This kind of wound hurt far more than any injury to Elgin himself.

In that moment, he knew she had succeeded in punishing him.

“Okay, okay, my bad.” Elgin couldn’t care less about anything else at that point; he just wanted her to drop the knife, “It’s all my fault, you’re innocent. Letitia, don’t do anything stupid!”

Looking at him, she could tell his fear and helplessness were genuine

So.. he had actually fallen for her, but when did that happen? She hadn’t noticed at all.

“We can talk this out, I’ll agree to whatever you want, Elgin said, staring at her unblinkingly. “Whatever you want, it’s yours!”

“I want my baby back, can you do that?”

Elgin fell silent. Bring back from the dead… How could that be possible?

Letitia gave a desolate smile, “I never imagined that one day I could threaten you, punish you with my own death. I never believed you when you said you loved me.”

“I kept backing down, all I wanted was for my child to live, such a humble wish, and yet you insisted on crushing it. Elgin, I will never forgive you, never!”

“You have your way of loving me, and I have my way of trampling on your love! If I killed you, I’d just get thrown in the slammer by the Ramirez family, saddled with a life on my conscience. But if I die… As she spoke, tears slowly trailed down from the corners of her


“You’ll never have me, your love will always be unfulfilled, there will never be another Letitia. You’ll spend your whole life haunted by me, unable to forget or let go…”

Slowly, she pressed the knife’s blade against her carotid artery. The blood flowed faster and faster, more and more. That bright red blood seared Elgin’s eyes.

but your death means nothing to me. Elgin, you’re a demon, destined

closed her eyes and pushed hard. As long as she killed herself,

couldn’t move the knife forward even a bit.

with his bare hands! He was holding it tightly, preventing her from

next move.

ceaselessly, but Elgin’s grip

“Elgin, you…”

his hand would

“Letitia, don’t you dare think

who should let go!” That’s a knife,

onto the blade, while his other hand forcefully pried Letitia’s grip

blood, and he breathed a

her eyes red as

I can’t make the move, I

reason you can’t do it is because you have feelings for

never fall for a devil!” Letitia vehemently denied it, shaking her head repeatedly, adamant

parents, because of him, one went to

him, spent

he had taken her child away… How could

cam look and pressed


were all stunned, faces shocked,

bed, the floor, were all covered in

covers, a

thin wound that was still bleeding! And more horrifyingly, Elgin had a knife

the handle,

what…” the doctors

Elgin commanded, “What are

Finally snapping to action, the doctor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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