Chapter 140

Hes actually planning to squeeze into this tiny hospital bed with her!

With his towering height of six feet, he can’t even stretch his legs out!

“Eigin, get up!” Letitia nudged his shoulder, “Who said I wanted to share a bed with you?”

He kept his eyes closed, all relaxed, “You want me to sleep on the floor?”

“Just go back to your mansion!”

“Without you there, I won’t go back.”

Letitia was at a loss for words again.

On this one-meter bed, two grown-ups lying down made it hard to even turn over.

She had no choice but to lean against Elgin

That was bad enough, but to add to the embarrassment, every slight move made the bed squeak and creak. It simply couldn’t handle the weight of two people.

“You… go sleep on the couch!” Letitia pointed, “Otherwise, I’ll go sleep there”

Otherwise, there’s no way she would get a good night’s sleep.

As she tried to get up, Elgin’s hand pressed on her belly, Sleep, stop fussing.”

Til hit the couch! I sleep there! You, oh so precious Mr. Ramirez, can have the bed!”

Yet Elgin still held her down, making it impossible for Letitia to get up.

He, however, found this quite amusing, like pinning down a squeaky mouse, a smile curling at the corners of his mouth.

Annoyed, Letitia punched him in the chest and turned her back to him.

Elgin wrapped his arms around her from behind, “Goodnight.”

On the tiny hospital bed, the two of them squeezed together.

Elgin quickly fell asleep, his breathing steady, his hand always resting on her waist, never leaving. Letitia, however, lay awake, not a hint of sleepiness

In the past… she knew Elgin despised her, tormented her, and she knew how to counteract it, how to endure. But now, Elgin was an entirely different person, a man who was suddenly showering her with affection…

This sea change left Letitia completely disoriented, unsure of her next move.

Feeling hatred is straightforward, but dealing with love is harder than it looks.

couldn’t resist sleep, and in a daze, it seemed like Elgin

on her forehead, but she was too

it was

and Letitia asked, “When

I’ll have to check with

is he the doctor? Why ask him?

for a baby as

Letitia fell silent.

child with Elgin? That’s just laughable and absurd…

otherwise, once she’s back at


Letitia said,

complied, first checking with Elgin before daring to make the

present a good image to her mother,

much quieter compared

still deep in sleep, looking

mother-daughter connection, but Malinda’s eyes fluttered and she suddenly woke up,

Mam, fm here.”

looked at her “Am I dreaming,


held her hand. “I came to

mother, she could act like a spoiled daughter, be herself, and not have to be

falling from Malinda’s eyes.

crying? I’m

bed. “You silly child, always only telling me the good news, how much have you suffered on your own?”

lip. “Mom, everything will get

once, spilling all the beans about Letitia’s situation, they both

would that change? Cry

to cheer me up,

Elgin ever be nice to her!

and marriage, were both

I can handle it, you don’t need to worry.” Letitia said. “You just need to focus on getting better, until you can see dad

dad and I have both become your burdens


will always be a child, able to be

hesitated for a few seconds, then

believe her words. Letitia said, “Mom, you have to trust me.”

was a lie out of kindness. Shela would only

after a short chat she became

gripped her phone and stepped out of the room.

at the end of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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