Chapter 161

Letitia glanced around, making sure the coast was clear, and then tugged at Vidonia’s sleeve. “There’s something I’ve gotta spill the beans on.”


“I found the guy from that night.”

Vidonia widened her eyes in shock. “Who is it? How’d you get in touch? You sure it’s him?”

“Positive.” Letitia nodded, “Everything checks out.”



Vidonia stared at Letitia, her eyes glued open in disbelief. “Say what now?”

“It’s him, no doubt about it,” Letitia confirmed. “After I got my new earbuds, I overheard the conversation between Shela and my mom. That’s how I found out.”

Vidonia sat next to Letitia, totally gobsmacked.

This was just too much to handle.

So much information to take in.

“Give me a second to wrap my head around this… If it’s Elgin, then that means… He’s the father of your child, and he… he got rid of your baby himself!?!”

Letitia nodded again.

Every time they talked about it, it was like ripping off a band-aid for her.

“Good heavens, my poor Letitia…” Vidonia wrapped her in a hug, “Don’t be too down about it.”

The one person who always got her was her best friend forever.

“Acting like it doesn’t sting would be a straight-up lie. I need time to heal,” Letitia patted her shoulder, “It’s cool.”

“How can it be cool, huh? Letitia, I’m with you through thick and thin.”

Out of nowhere, Samson popped up beside them.

“What’s with you two, always huddled up, whispering secrets? Everything’s been quiet as a church mouse lately. What’s up?”

her eyes at him, “None of your

weren’t saying that

was yesterday, today is

heaved a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness, Vidonia’s back to her old self. You freaked me out yesterday!”

they were talking, Ranen suddenly showed up at the Jewelry Department

of executives of

“Alright, Samson replied.

puzzled, “Why the sudden meeting?”

dares not to listen? Better brace yourself”

Chapter 161

Letitia silently nodded.

the big emergency that had Ranen

a wedding ring onto the desk, “Get

“That’s for Shela…”

now on, I don’t want to


the bridge of his nose, didn’t know where to begin

years of brotherhood, he trusted

hearing it all, Samson was dumbfounded.

like it never happened!” Elgin ordered, “Not a word

to go public, get


conspiratorially, “I’ve got an idea.

gave him a

Mrs. Ramirez is and you can prepare this

Samson replied smugly.

one?” Samson asked, “Letitia likes

ring was Letitia’s design. She’d seen all those plans and knew they were tailor-made for Shela.

for Letitia couldn’t be summed up

precious, deserving of the best, the most

a playboy?” Elgin gave him a sideways glance, “In important situations, all you’ve got are

promotion were all for Shela at first. But Shela was a fake, an imposter. The one you’ve always

his lips,

the woman from that night. And now you realize Letitia is that woman,” Samson explained,

up, “Let’s head

the conference room, they ran into Letitia, about

even look at Elgin, completely ignoring him.

so wide, so Elgin and Samson

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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