Chapter 177

Stuff like Shela’s kidnapping couldn’t happen again. No ifs, ands, or buts!

Outside the hospital.

Letitia had just stepped out when a black Mercedes van rolled up.

“Ma’am, please get in,” the bodyguard said respectfully. “We’ll take you back to Ivory Towers.”

Hawley kept tabs on her, not giving her an inch of freedom to move.

Letitia nodded and was about to get in when she heard Vidonia, “Letitia!”

The bodyguard blocked her right away.

“What’s the big idea?” Vidonia pushed past him, “Who the heck are you guys?”

Letitia reached out and pulled Vidonia into the car, “Let’s go, forget about her.”

“No way, Elgin’s got this many people watching you?”

“It’s not his people. It’s Hawley.”

Vidonia clicked her tongue twice, “These rich folks play mind games!”

“Why are you at the hospital?” Letitia asked, “Looking for me?”

“Yeah, do you think I’m here to visit Elgin? Even though he saved you, the stuff he did before was still not forgivable.”

Letitia fell silent.

“Letitia, you’re not going soft on him, are you?” Vidonia pressed, “After this brush with death, you’ve got feelings for Elgin?”

“Actually… my feelings for him have been there for a long time.”

Letitia had feelings for Elgin when they made love at that night, and when she decided to have the baby.

When she found out that the stranger that night was Elgin, she realized she had fallen for Elgin.

But reality was too cruel and she was fated not to end up with him.

Letitia forced a bitter smile, “But how can I love him? As what? His wife? The enemy’s daughter? Or as the mother of that child who’s gone?”

“Letitia,” Vidonia held her hand, “The moment Elgin hurt you, he became unforgivable for life.”

“I’m not planning to forgive him.”

vibrant life left an eternal ache

forgive Elgin, but she couldn’t forgive him on the child’s behalf.

lay down his life for you? But Elgin is not the one for you, he

was a rational

let emotions cloud her judgment and wanted the

Elgin will show


Letitia nodded.

to face Elgin. Her heart was

Chapter 177

What a contradiction!

you, all their attempts at making amends afterwards aren’t worth

forgot the main event,” Vidonia suddenly said, “I’ve brought


mysterious box from

box and unwrapped the cloth, Letitia saw the sheen of the

Her mother’s

anywhere with

asked, “The emerald bracelet’s been fixed? Vidonia, you know

craftsmen, but none could guarantee it’d be crack-free. It’s a fine piece of emerald, after all, any imperfection would stand out, so… I took a

she spoke, Vidonia unfolded the

lay quietly in her

surface of the pendant was carved into a flower with a

to turn the shattered emerald bracelet into this pendant,” Vidonia explained. “Got

Letitia took it.


restored to

also the case for

emerald piece is already the best outcome

Put it on, may it bring


“That works too!”

“Let’s go


to change course, but the driver

Elgin, is that


checked with Hawley, who

just a puppet without freedom, surrounded by splendor but not a shred of

point of living if you’re not

At the sanatorium.

been moved to a regular room but

would become a vegetable again,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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