Chapter 181

Rally the troops to find Letitia!”

Upon hearing his words, any hint of drowsiness instantly evaporated from Samson, “What? Letitia’s gone missing?”


“How did she… vanish again?”

Elgin didn’t respond and hung up the phone, making a beeline for the three bodyguards he had assigned to

shadow Letitia.

His commanding presence made them quiver in their boots.

“I hired you guys to protect her,” Elgin said with a venomous tone, “So where is she?! What the heck kind of protection is this?”

“Uh… Mr. Ramirez, we were just following orders to keep tabs on Mrs. Ramirez all the time. Today, after she left the hospital, she got into the car heading back to Ivory Towers…”

“And then what? You didn’t follow?”

“We got made by Hawley’s understrappers,” the bodyguard explained. “They told us they’d take care of getting Mrs. Ramirez back to Ivory Towers and not to worry. Given that we were all on the same team… Ouch!”

Before he could finish, Elgin’s foot had already connected with a solid kick!

Useless, utterly useless!

After Letitia got in the car, the bodyguards slacked off, thinking she’d be taken straight to Ivory Towers, so they didn’t keep on her tail.

And now.. no one knew where she was!

The only lead they had was that car arranged by Hawley!

Elgin stormed out of the hospital, his left hand hanging limply by his side, throbbing with acute pain, but he

couldn’t care less.

As he was about to get into his car, he heard Neil’s voice. “Mr. Ramirez?”

Elgin turned around.

Neil, all suited up, looking like he just sprinted from the office. He said, “Mr.

“No need.”

in a hot minute and wanted

darkened his face,


There was a rock solid confidence in Elgin’s voice, “She can never slip through my fingers!”



Elgin’s darkest fear deep down.

he heard Letitia was gone, he’d been dodging the worst scenario in

Chapter 181

on her own accord and she wanted to leave him.

couldn’t face that. He’d rather believe she was taken away

lovers, but even more like strangers. If… she wants to leave, just

won’t let her go, she can’t

to someone who only wants to flee from you is a sad thing to do.”

“Are you

I think she wants to leave you. Only by leaving you can she break free and have a

the car, saying coldly, “Neil, if you care for

were likely not to search for Letitia with full effort, maybe even muddying the waters and making trouble.

get involved, the odds of finding her

she’s safe and sound, but not for

the back seat of his Rolls-Royce.

to find Letitia’s whereabouts.


sped down the highway with Elgin urging, “Faster.”

this is


Mansion, which should have taken half an

was startled when he saw him, “Elgin, why are you running around like a headless chicken? You don’t care about your left hand anymore?”

to the

“What are you…”

exploded his

verge of madness – seething with anger, restless with anxiety, and teetering on the

in the living

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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