
Chapter 21

22 Ava: Paranoia and Secrets (III)

22 Ava: Paranoia and Secrets (III)

I try to slip the crystal back into the drawer of my nightstand, but Selene darts forward, her body wriggling between me and the furniture like a furry battering ram. With a huff of frustration, I pull my hand back, the crystal still clutched in my fist.”

“Selene, down,” I scold, but she remains resolutely in my path, those pale blue eyes fixed on the object in my grasp.

Realizing this is a battle I won’t win, I shove the crystal into the pocket of my jeans, ignoring the uneasy weight that seems to settle in my gut at its presence. Selene’s tail wags, and she trots back toward the kitchen, pausing every few steps to glance over her shoulder, as if ensuring I follow.

The aroma of the sautéed vegetables greets me as I re–enter the kitchen, and my stomach rumbles in

anticipation. But as I move to finish plating the meal, Selene darts underfoot, nearly sending me sprawling. I sidestep her clumsily, shooting her a glare.

“What has gotten into you?” I mutter, stirring the

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22 Ava: Paranoia and Secrets (1)

contents of the pan with perhaps more force than


Selene whines, her nose pointed toward the front. door, and understanding dawns.

“All right, all right.” I rush over to open the front door.

But Selene remains rooted to the spot, her gaze flickering between me and the door, an insistent whine escaping her. I frown as realization sets in–she wants

to come with

can’t be serious,” I groan, but her resolute stare tells me she’s dead serious. “Fine, but just

and shove it into

favor of appeasing my restless. companion.

it’s open wide enough, nearly yanking me off my

air is a welcome relief after the


Ava: Paranoia and Secrets

easy rhythm, my earlier unease fading into the background. Selene trots ahead, her nose twitching

should insist we turn back before we venture too far from home, but some inexplicable force holds my tongue. Instead, I let Selene lead, trusting in the


I’m feeling extreme regret. We’ve made it to a nearby park, which is essentially a trail going through a small bit of city forest. My food is cold at home, and we have at

her leash, but she ignores it. “Selene. Come on. Now!” I tug harder and try to start walking in the opposite


off my feet, and I stumble, barely catching myself before I fall. “You’ve gotta be




usually one for these kinds of shenanigans. “Okay.

once. Maybe she needs

Selene’s lead as she veers off the trail and into the shadowed treeline, the crunch of fallen leaves and twigs beneath my boots echoing in the stillness. A shiver skitters down my spine. I can’t help but touch the crystal in my pocket, gleaning a little sense of

over our path. Selene forges ahead, her movements purposeful, almost urgent.

well–behaved companion, her antics limited to the occasional bout of mischief around the apartment. But this? This single–minded

the nape of my neck as the air seems to

14:45 –

22 Ava: Paranola and Secrets

taking on an almost cloying quality. My pulse

an unfamiliar heat blossoms deep


is happening

my bearings. But the trees

dizziness washes over me. The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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