
Chapter 48

49 Ava: Selene’s Secret Vice

Selene’s presence helped me sleep like the dead. Waking in the morning in a room outside of the hospital is nicer than I want to admit to Clayton, after trying to refuse this apartment.

Stretching languidly, I take a moment to bask in the luxury of the king–sized bed, reveling in the silky sheets caressing my skin. A contented sigh escapes my lips as I roll onto my side, only to find myself face–to–face with Selene’s piercing blue gaze.

“Morning,” I murmur, reaching out to scratch behind

her ears.

Morning, pup. Her tail thumps against the mattress in greeting. Sleep well?

“Like a rock.” I glance around the lavish bedroom, my eyes lingering on the plush armchairs positioned near the floor–to–ceiling windows. “It’s going to take some getting used to, living in a place like this.”

You deserve nice things, Ava. Selene nuzzles my hand. Although, I must admit, I miss the simplicity of your old apartment.



49 Ava: Selene’s Secret Vice

Is it possible to feel nostalgia after only a week away? Because I do.

“Me too. We won’t be able to go back for a little while, right?”

Selene’s ears flatten against her head. Not until the alpha sends you home.

Pushing aside the melancholy, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stretch again, relishing the freedom of movement. No sore back or hips, and no tense neck after sleeping on near–flat pillows. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

Selene hops off the bed and trots toward the door. Well, you don’t have a job to go to anymore, so I suppose you could be a couch potato for once.

I can’t help but laugh at the mental image. “A couch potato? Really?”

Why not? She glances back at me with a wolfish grin. There’s a new shifter romance show that just started. We could binge–watch it together.

Raising an eyebrow, I follow her out of the bedroom and into the spacious living area. “A shifter romance

shour? Somehow I doubt it’ll be an accurato



Ava: Solono’s Secret Vice

our lives.”

the plush sofa, making herself comfortable.

it’s quite steamy.

to my cheeks at her

sure I want to watch something

a pointed look. After everything we’ve been through together, a little on–screen

feet beneath me. “Alright, alright. Let’s see what

life, and the opening credits of “Fated Mates” fill the screen.

her enthusiasm.

what kind of

awaits us.”

Selene promises, her eyes

the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to


Selene’s Secret

of your

have one.

affair is meant for an

scoffs at my words. A fated mate doesn’t count when they’re too stupid to appreciate what’s right

surprised laugh escapes my lips. Trust Selene to put things so bluntly. “You’re

sharp knock echoes through the apartment, causing us both to turn our heads toward the sound. Frowning, I rise from the couch and make my way to

find Ivy standing on the other side, her expression

not sure how to greet her, so I just say, “Hello,” and

there like

by my pajamas. An impatient expression crosses her features as


Ava: Selene’s Secret

or shall

tone leaves no room for argument, and I hurry to step aside, gesturing for her

me, Selene lets out a snort from her spot on the

down from her

that dog?” Ivy asks,

who meets my gaze with a knowing look. “She’s just a stray who showed up one day. Ran away


the cushion, almost as if she’s agreeing with my explanation.

stray, huh?” Her lips purse as she studies Selene, who simply stares back at

Calana leta



Ava: Selene’s Secret

I quickly step between them, shooting a warning glance at my

turn to Ivy, offering her

that. She can

a moment,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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