
Chapter 104

104 Ava: Training (I)

The best way to deal with all the confusion involving feelings?


Jericho watches in approval as I push myself past my limits, determined to grow stronger. New bruises appear and disappear each day as my supernatural healing kicks in. Lisa, on the other hand, is covered with them, in various stages of healing.

I’m determined to ignore everything about Lucas and Clayton for as long as I can. It’s easier to just… not deal with it all.

Healthy? Probably not.

But hell, I’m just going to settle for making it through each day for now.

An odd, itchy feeling doesn’t stop all day. Lisa smacks at my hands every time I begin scratching at my neck and shoulders. My belly looks as if it’s been clawed by a raccoon, though the marks fade within half an hour each time.

IN Ave Taning (0)

“You have to stop that, Ave. You’re driving yourself insane. The more you scratch, the more you’ll itch. Just take some Benadryl.”

“Fast healing means a fast metabolism. Benadryl won’t even touch it, and I don’t know wolf dosing. I’d have to go to a healer to figure it out.” I’ve explained this to Lisa before, but her exasperation over my scratching overcomes minor details like that.

It doesn’t bother me. I repeat myself as often as I need to. I just worry that other wolves in the pack might

bother her.

So far, Lisa hasn’t gone anywhere without me. Between the guards always nearby and Kellan’s presence every morning before training and every afternoon after, we haven’t done anything outside of our apartment. Even our food gets delivered.

Lisa’s company is amazing, but we’re both going a little stir–crazy.

That might be what’s wrong with me.

“Full moon’s coming up,” Jericho announces out of nowhere, and I almost jump ten feet in the air.

you doing?


in protest as I push myself to sprint faster around the track. The itching across my skin intensifies with each stride,

my mind, taunting me with their significance. As a shifter who has never experienced a shift, the concept of the full moon’s power remains foreign

fast as wolves, I’ve been desperate to

felt a hint of it since that day.

burns into my back as I round the bend, my breath coming in ragged gasps. Lisa falls into step beside me, her face flushed with exertion. “What do you think he means by that?” she pants, her words punctuated by labored breaths.

is too short and my brain too confused by how I feel about a full moon.


Ava: Training

body is

shifters, the moon is nothing more than an enhancement. An aphrodisiac for some, and a hair trigger on anger for the others. They’re a little more volatile, a little more inclined to drink, a little late to sleep.

do I feel like bathing in the silver moonlight

is just bizarre. That’s the problem. Where the

track once more. “Faster! You think you can outrun your enemies at this pace?”

channeling my frustration into each pounding step. The relentless itching

so sore that I spend an hour every night massaging her from head to toe.



lived in one all my

of late are

fact that I yearn for the moon so fiercely worries me, even

Jericho’s right there in front of me, like a fucking unwanted ghost in my face.

cracks like a whip, making

Lisa protests, her face flushed from exertion.

gaze on her. “Life isn’t fair. Get over it.

treats my friend. I set my hands on my hips, ready to

thighs almost immediately. Each step

Ava: Training (1)

my body down. Hold it. Back up



was to keep my mind

over, his critical eye assessing my form. “Lower. Keep your knee above your ankle.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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