Chapter 22

Merilyn cast a pitying look at her master, her eyes full of pleading. "Oh, Vlad, you do not need to kill humans as well, I understand your pain more than anyone else-

"She is not dead; she is merely asleep," Vladya interrupted.

Relief swept through her as she turned back to the motionless figure, studying it closely. It was then that she noticed the gentle rise and fall of the woman's chest. "Asleep. Good, that is a relief."

Vladya's eyes locked onto hers. "Let us get something straight, Merl. If I wanted to kill a human female, she would already be dead. And let me tell you, I would do it with a smile, and I would sleep peacefully-perhaps even better." He paused briefly. "The only reason I have not killed her, or others, is because I have not felt like it. I simply have no desire to... yet."

He moved across the luxurious rug, his robes brushing against the polished marble floor. "It is not because of some foolish idea that I am a good male. I am not. I despise humans and do not see them as living beings anymore." Silence descended, stretching taut in the air.

Merilyn wanted to argue-wanted to believe he was exaggerating, that there was still some good in him. She wanted to believe he cared, even if he would never say so. But the truth was, she could not.

The look in his eyes... It was terrifying, like that of a stranger. Dangerous. Almost evil.

For centuries, whenever she saw that look, Merilyn wondered just how broken he truly was. At times, she feared he might be as lost, as feral, as his closest friend.

Slowly, Lord Vladya blinked, and the frightening look disappeared. "I needed to keep the human close. I cannot let her wander into the southern wing. That is why she is here."

Merilyn's worry deepened, replaced by a more pressing concern. Her eyes widened with fear. "Did the grand king's beast really escape? Was it not just a rumor? Will he attack?"

"It was no rumor, but he will not attack. I brought the female here to keep her from triggering the beast's aggression."

"I do not understand. How can a feral beast be loose and not attack? That is not possible." Merilyn's brow wrinkled in confusion. "How can you be so sure?"

Lord Vladya shrugged, sinking into the high-backed chair by the hearth, his fingers tapping the armrest. "I am not completely sure, which is why I skipped the festival. I am staying here to keep watch, just in case." There was something he was not saying; Merilyn could see it in his eyes. But she knew better than to ask.

She had many questions, but she understood probing her master would lead nowhere.

He stood, removing his cloak. Without it, his muscular form was fully visible. Broad and undeniably attractive.

Though bonded to Henry and deeply in love with him, Merilyn still possessed excellent vision. Her sharp eyes had often been drawn to Vladya's sculpted physique over the past thousand years.

signs of age, but Lord Vladya looked like a human in

Merilyn," he ordered



know when he would summon her again, so she prepared herself to serve hum in the old ways. That way, the nourishment would last longer indle

to her feet. "You should not kneel in

showed that his beast was close to the surface.

spot where he would bite, pushing his elixir

elixir dulled any pain from the bite, replacing it with the

Arousal was a natural side effect of bloodfeeding for Urekai.

lord. Drink your fill," she whispered, cradling

lost in the waves of pleasure surging through her body. Vladya no longer filled her with pheromones-not since she bonded with Henry-but he gave just enough to

lord, continue to feed from me. Just like that," she cried softly. Despite her efforts to keep control, her pregnancy hormones, combined with the overwhelming effects of feeding her master, made it nearly impossible. The tickle of his strong fangs and the firm pulls as he suckled sent irresistible sensations to her feminine

in to her desires, shamelessly spreading her legs and pressing her swollen,

her veins as he drank. She felt so full-she depended on him to

broke through

drank greedily. Moisture dripped down her thigh, staining


shook his head briefly

you inside me,"

was satisfied, ignoring her pleas. Then he


pressing closer to him, a moan escaping her lips. "Please,

upon her forehead. "It is the delirium speaking, Merl. You love your bondmate, and you do not wish to hurt him

Henry knows that I am your bloodhost. He understands and accepts

was strained, but he pulled away. "We need to resist the pull. But will help you." Merilyn


throbbing clitoris against

out. Allow it to pass through you," he murmured,

waves of a serene ocean. Her body gradually stilled, eventually leaning against him. Lord Vladya

better?" he asked after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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