
Chapter 35


Emeriel was assigned the task of cleaning the floors of the anne

It was a monotonous jobs, but he was grateful, nonetheless. It was far preferable to spending his time at the tavern.

After completing the first and segond floors, Emeriel found himself on the third floor.

Having not yet familiarized himself with all the corridors and their destinations he was taken aback when he discovered. where the floor he was cleaning led to.

He recognized the familiar paintings and the foreboding hallways.

The fourth wing

The forbidden chambers lay within that second hallway, Goosebumps prickled his arms.

Just clean that hallway as quickly as possible and be done with it The sooner, the better.

Emeriel tightly grasped his broom crafted from bundled twigs and resumed his work. The bristles swept across the cold stones, stirring up clouds of dust. As he progressed, he used pieces of clothing to dust and clean as he went along Upon reaching the forbidden chambers, he halted noticing the absence of soldiers and trays of untouched food strewn atross the floor.

Why is this place so deserted? It was morning. Grand Lord Vladyn was in court, so there was no reason for the soldiers to be absent. Perhaps the beast had been relocated?

Emeriel couldn't resist. His legs moved instinctively until he arrived at the imposing metal gates. A gasp escaped him, and he took two steps back.

open, behind it, the beast's eyes locked

he whispered aloud. "I could depart from this hall and

surroundings, and any hope

thorough wiping. The lion head at the end of the

nervously bit his lip, stealing another

gaze fixed on him. Its once-lazy yellow eyes now

and waited, and when it became evident that the beast

from those piercing yellow eyes tracking his every move, there was no other

creature behind the gates and became engrossed in his work. The swishing of brooms and the occasional clink



before him, glaring.


Sat, Dec

Chapter 35

lie, the soldier muttered under hisreath "Fine. But be quick

fool. "Understood.


the third ruler. Once he finished in court he will come to attend

any of it

he have to be present for the beast to eat? Can't the food be taken in, and let the creature devour it?" Emeriel was certain there was raw meat among the offerings it could enjoy "Sometimes the feral refuses to eat. A few

command." Emeriel inclined his head, then resumed his cleaning as the soldier muttered



being three days away, 1 propose that on that day, we have a presentation of a new slave, declared

do not fancy that ceremony at


Vladya appeared utterly bored, completely

happiness they can get. The Lords love that ritual, and most of them eagerly anticipate it There is no good reason to forgo that ceremony, Zaiper insisted

even Lord Vladya is in agreement," Zaiper continued. mean, the male needs some downtime and fun. When was the last time he enjoyed himself? With his bloodhost bonded to another

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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