Chapter 74


In the following two days, Emeriel was relocated to Blackstone and Lord VLadya departed on his journey. He was assigned to work in the gardens-a prospect that filled him with unexpected relief.

Emeriel had always envied the slaves who worked in the gardens drawn to the earthy scents and the quiet rhythm of tending to life. It had been one of his indulgences back in Navia a haven of peace amid a life of turmoil.

Emeriel couldn't be certain whether it was due to what had happened in court or if the slaves in Blackstone were simply different, but he noticed a change in the way he was treated.

The slave masters no longer bellowed at him, and his fellow slaves no longer sought reasons to harm him. Even the Urekai maids displayed a newfound respect. They observed him with curiosity as he moved about and generally stayed out of his way.

Aekeira began visiting more frequently as well Once she had finished her tasks, she would hasten to help Emeriel with his work.

Of course, they had to be discreet about it, as the slave masters frowned upon slaves aiding one

However, yesterday, while Aekeira balanced a brimming clay jug helping Emericl soak the thi master in charge of their duties caught them. Emeriel tensed, the watering can slipping from hu sprang upright, rigid as the dried stalks bordering the garden. another

flowerbeds, the slave

mb fingers, and they

their punishment. Surprisingly, the slave

shared the news of her meeting with Grand Lord Vladya. Tears streamed down her face, hot

betraying her tears. Her wild smile held a flicker of uncertainty beneath its joy. Emeriel embraced her, nodding

Her smile waned. "Em, I am not pleased with that. I do not want the beast mounting you." Emeriel held her tighter, his resolve hardening. "Better me than you, Keira. Serving him would bring you far worse harm than anything he could do

she asked, her

searching hers. "Look into my eyes, Aekeira. You will see the truth. I want to do this, not just to save you, but because...something within me

of reluctant acceptance softened her features. She ceased her arguments, her small sigh echoing in the space between them. Her embrace, when it came, was

Aekeira. She

the beast had scared Aekeira more than his sister ever acknowledged, and the thought that he'd lifted


Chapter 74


Emeriel left Blackstone was at midnight. To feed his beast. And yes, sometimes, Emeriel could not help but refer to the beast as 'mine, especially in his

him to leave. hurled threats, and shoved, him now cleared his path. Emeriel would never openly acknowledge the trickle of satisfaction it brought him He entered through the small gate and door, and the beast uncurled itself from the ground as

movement no longer frightened Emeriel

always, emitted a long, satisfying purr that filled Emeriel with warmth and an odd sense of happiness. Twice it licked his throat, its rough tongue leaving trail of heat. For a heart-stopping moment, a jolt of fear prickled Emeriel's spine. Would it bite? Would the beast

that the beast had bloodfed days ago,

arranged the feast-slabs of raw meat and steaming bowls of offal-the beast devoured them with guttural grunts. Its

food, Emeriel was the one he wanted to

if he was

when it concerned the beast, not thinking about him was an illusion. Emeriel found himself thinking about the creature

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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