Captive Slave 188

Chapter 188 072%

He took a deep breath, trying to release the tight feeling constricting his chest. "Ackeira deserves to be with her sister. I can't keep her here when there's nothing for her."

"Since everything with Gali-Emeriel-came to light, it's got me thinking." His friend moved closer, green eyes searching Vladya's face. "Have you stopped to think that maybe-just maybe-Ackeira might be yours? Maybe your lost soul cannot recognize her, so there's no trigger for her Syren traits. It might be why they are dormant. Have you ever thought of that?"

A bitter smile twisted Vladya's lips. "I have." "And?"

"And it's just wishful thinking. Nonsensical assumptions," he deadpanned. "What are the chances of two Soulbonds appearing at the same time when there hasn't been one in millennia? Two sisters for two best friends?" Vladya let out another empty chuckle. "None, Daemon. Absolutely none."

Daemonikai looked away, his expression tightening. "She might still be a compatible soul. A bondmate

"I've gone through countless failed bondings," Vladya said. "In all of them, I was sure the female was mine, I loved them, cherished them, and some, my beast completely adored. Yet, they all failed. With Aekeira... it's different. It's not cheesy, or fluffy like the others. It's dark, all-consuming." "I do not understand."

"I want to possess her." Vladya's eyes darkened. "I want to kill any male who has ever seen her smile, Urekai or human,


and only me. To tie her up in my room so she exists for me alone. To bury my cock so because I want her to smile for deep in her for days on end she becomes useless to society, functioning only for me. I want to bury my fangs in her neck and mark her thoroughly so all she sees, all she hears, and all she knows, is me."

too much information," Daemonikai winced,

for Aekeira, trust me

Even your voice changed... your whole demeanor." Wonder lit in Daemonikai's eyes, and he cocked his head to study Vladya better. "There's definitely something there. I'd like to believe it's your lost soul and you teetering

deteriorating mind or soullessness. Aekeira is not

grimaced. "Okay, you might have

you know how I survived countless failed bondings and still manage to hold out for centuries?" Vladya smiled. It felt strained, too heavy on his face. I learned to stop hoping. Stop living in delusions and face the reality. It's the expectation that


Vladya shrugged.

obsessed as I am with your recovery,

Chapter 188

"Oh, look who it is!

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I do not see it either. Emeriel calms you. She soothes your soul and takes away your pain and grief," Vladya retorted bluntly. "I watched the two of you for months while you were still feral. Don't act like I don't know what she does for you. If you had all your memories, you would understand

slightly. "And as obsessed as I am with your recovery, do not think

glared at him, hearing his own words

stay," Vladya clucked his tongue. "Besides, it's cruel to separate them. You have never seen them together, so you wouldn't understand, but I have. It would break their hearts." "Fine. Aekeira

"Look who it is, Pot. It's your dear

likes of Zaiper, not me," Daemonikai shot back, slapping the back of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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