Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Emeriel kept her suspicions to herself. She was beginning to understand how Urekai society worked.

An accusation of this magnitude, even in casual conversation, could have serious repercussions.

"Did he... lose anyone on the night of the eclipse moon?" she asked cautiously.

Daemonikai stiffened, his hand pausing. He looked up at her, his face unreadable.

There it was the shutting down.


Emeriel had almost forgotten how sensitive the subject was. "I apologize for overstepping-"

"No," he squeezed his eyes shut. Taking a deep breath. "No, it's alright. Yes, he lost Kristof, his elder brother."

"Elder?" she echoed, surprised. "I thought every kingdom chose heirs by birth order. How did Zaiper become Grand Lord if he had an elder brother?"

"Kristof was never interested in the throne," A hint of a smile crossed King Daemonikai's face again. "Even as younglings, it never appealed to him. His dream was to be a high-ranking soldier-the best. And that was what he became. He was different from the rest of the Dragaxlovs."

Emeriel saw the fondness in his voice. "You sound close."

"We were, once." His voice softened with nostalgia. "We fought side-by-side in countless battles. He was the general commander of all our clan's armies." ""Wow," Emeriel breathed, impressed,

The grand king nodded. "Kristof was a force to be reckoned with. It's a shame he never wanted the throne. He could have made a strong ruler. But his loyalty was to the battlefield, not the court. Because of his stance on ruling, the throne passed to the second son, Zaiper." His quill paused, and a shadow fell over his eyes. "Kristof fought beside me on that night, knowing the danger of using strength without the Chalice. He helped many of our people escape even when his own strength began to drain. He fought with everything he had. Kristoff was found dead in an alley near Greyrock..." His voice faltered for a moment. "Whether he dropped dead from exhaustion or was slain by humans, no one knows."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Emeriel said softly. "He sounds like he was a remarkable man."

scratching against the parchment. "He lost someone too, and everyone grieves in their own way. Zaiper held it together, unlike Vladya and I, who completely fell apart." He inhaled deeply. "Maybe he cries himself to sleep at night, or spaces out for hours like Ottai does. No one knows.

He and Kristof were close." His eyes rose, meeting hers. "I was supposed to be the strongest, yet

hated seeing that flicker of shame

firmly. "You said it yourself just now... everyone grieves differently. When it comes to grief, every feeling is valid. Never beat yourself up for that. Ever." He stopped writing again, and something fierce appeared in

cheeks warmed under that stare. It made

self-conscious and breathless, she buried her eyes on the ledger before

A moment passed. Tensed.

King Daemonikai cleared his throat. "Ignore his records and work on the others. What right do I have to confront Zaiper about missing

her own throat, she said sincerely,

It ends now," he picked the

felt the weight in his words. The

this man

lands under the moonlight as horror tales. In legends, some

Emeriel could finally admit: legends do not lie,


gone into heatstroke," Mistress Sinai observed coolly, watching as the young female retched on the floor. "Perhaps you should consider bringing in her male?" "She'll get over it," Zaiper said, indifferent. He was sprawled

scratched herself raw from being mounted by the Second Ruler were

Zaiper's touch, which meant every moment with him was excruciating for

into herself, breathing

a slice of sympathy for her. Zaiper had been choosing nobodies-those whose absence would go unnoticed by society- for this new obsessive quest to sire

barely one

Zaiper bred them despite their lack of compatibility. Sinai could imagine the unbearable pain they must endure, but it

would eat her for breakfast if she tried. In some

other hand, looked sick to his

wouldn't bat an eyelash at killing, he turned pale whenever his master was at it again. He'd excused himself a few times already, slipping

soldier hesitated. "She's nearly passed

in heat." Zaiper waved a dismissive hand. "Heat doesn't sleep. Now bring

obeying, as he pulled the barely conscious girl back to

n-no....please," the girl cried weakly, tears streaming down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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