Chapter 227: First Meeting, I Am Emily!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jordan was on the plane, constantly looking at his watch and praying in his heart.

“I hope Cayden hasn’t made a move on Emily yet. Emily must not say yes to him.”

By the time he arrived, it was already 6 p.m. Jordan took out his cell phone and immediately called Emily.

Ritz Carlton Hotel, DC.

Ding-Dong… Ding-Dong…

Emily and Cayden were making out in a luxurious five-star hotel room when Emily’s cell phone suddenly rang.

Yes, the young and ignorant Emily had been tricked by Cayden into checking into the hotel at this time.

They had traveled in the same plane, so coincidentally met in the mall, and telepathically took a liking to the same tea set.

Both their parents had also unfortunately already passed.


Moreover, Cayden was tall, handsome, and rich. Emily had no reason not to like this dreamboat that seemed to have been arranged by heaven.

In this day and age, sleeping with someone on the first day you meet them has become relatively common.

Besides, Emily can only stay here for one day.

Emily stopped kissing Cayden, picked up the phone, and saw an unfamiliar number.

Cayden said, “It’s an unknown number, just ignore it.”

Cayden was irked by the caller, who had disturbed him from having fun, and kissed Emily again.

Emily did not answer the call.

However, that person soon called again.

Emily once again pushed away Cayden and said, “Maybe It’s a friend who changed his or her number. I’d better answer it. Uh… do you want to go take a shower first?”

Cayden chuckled and said, “Okay, Baby, wait for me.”

Cayden went to the bathroom and immediately secretly sent a message to his friends in the group chat.

to get in this flight attendant’s pants soon! I’ve already brought

“Awesome! Remember to take some

Cayden: “No problem!”

get to see how randy this bitch can be. Hmph, this bitch likes tall men, huh? So she deserves to be fooled by tall men! Cayden, you have to get back at her for

take care

so they felt indignant. However, they didn’t dare to get her through

idea to let their best buddy get into her pants and toy with her,

happily took a shower while

this moment, Emily had already answered

“Hello, who’s speaking?”

with Emily’s gentle voice

Emily? I’m your brother-in-law,” Jordan said

chuckled and said playfully,

speechless, but now wasn’t the time to argue


you are in the United States, but


“Where exactly in DC?”

you need to

in DC right now. Where are

surprised to hear that Jordan

in DC? Why didn’t you tell

“No, your sister isn’t with me. I came here alone. Quickly tell me your exact location. Also, is there anyone


said, “Yes, my boyfriend is here. I’m sorry, Jordan, I’d like to meet you too, but I’m afraid I don’t have

a boyfriend at all and that she was probably referring to Cayden, whom

boyfriend a handsome, 1.85m tall man

quite tall and handsome, but his name is not Cayden. He has the same name as you, Jordan

dare he

but curse an expletive. He had guessed that Cayden could possibly use

fact, Cayden didn’t even know that Emily was even more attracted to him, precisely because he

good impression of Jordan, her brother-in-law-to-be. When she heard that Cayden was also named Jordan, she

about getting together with him in the future, and if she really does, it would be really interesting because both hers and Victoria’s husband

“Deceive me?”

they checked into the hotel just now, Cayden had deliberately covered up and prevented

me your exact location.

the Ritz


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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