Chapter 236: Learning Of An Important Piece of News

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Nate looked at the seemingly gentle but ferocious gaze in Jordan’s eyes and said fearfully, “No… No… We just watched a movie together, and we’re good friends. I really don’t harbor any other thoughts about her!”

Jordan obviously wouldn’t believe him even though he was pretending to be a nice guy now.

Since Nate was really short, Jordan put his arm around him and continued to walk towards the strength training equipment.

“Oh, you just watched a movie with her, huh? What movie was it?”

Nate didn’t know what Jordan intended to do, so he simply walked alongside him and answered, “God… Godzilla.”

Jordan continued to ask, “How long was the movie?”

Nate replied nervously, “Two… two hours.”

The two gradually reached the strength training equipment area and stopped.

Subsequently, Jordan grabbed a 10 kg dumbbell from the weights rack in the equipment area and handed it to Nate. “Lift this up for two hours.”


“What? Two hours?” Nate was confused.

Jordan said seriously, “If you stop, I’ll send you to accompany your best friend.”

Jordan knew that Nate had hypocritically cheated Emily out of her feelings to make her hold his hand.

In that case, Jordan would take revenge on his hand and not touch the other parts of his body.


“There’s no point in calling me that. Hurry up and lift it, or else, I’ll throw you out!”

“Okay, I’ll do it, I’ll do it!”

Nate slowly lifted the dumbbell up before putting it down slowly again.


him as a personal

started to speed up, but he soon got so tired that he couldn’t lift his arms

did, Jordan would throw him over to where Kane was

Nate couldn’t sustain any longer after ten minutes and dropped the dumbbell on the

proceeded to grab him in

“Jordan! Please don’t do that, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have provoked Emily. It’s all because of that bastard Kane Gayle. He couldn’t win her heart, so he made me

coldly and berated, “Now you’re blaming your brother? Why did you get Cayden Huxley to court her when you failed to do so yourself?! You’re

the angrier he got, and

catch his breath and

“I… I’m sorry.”

stopped spitting, and Pablo walked over to

me to pull that punk over?” Pablo

his face and body

a shower, then drag him out,” Jordan


out all fresh and clean, he knelt down in front

Mr. Jordan, we won’t dare

wrong, Mr. Jordan. You are generous and magnanimous. Please don’t stoop to

wealthy scions of New York City

corner, he asked the two of them, “Are you going to play this boring game where

do so again. I won’t dare to woo a girl again

also said, “In fact, ever since I got beaten up for courting a girl, I’ve long wanted to quit playing this game. We’ll disband our group and

after hearing his words. “You got hit after courting a girl? Was that girl Emily?


an owner of a café who’s really pretty. Although she’s already a mother of one, she took my breath away

pursue her, I somehow got beaten up

beaten up

Jordan suddenly became severe.

has a daughter, the lady whom I

Cayden and the others. On a photo of the lady, Kane annotated: “Strong background,

his brother’s “lover” so he

“After Nate failed, I also planned to pursue that café owner, but I wanted to find out her background before doing so. Hence, I asked

warned me not to toy with her. He said that I could toy with

long as I do, my

was a little stunned. Kane was a wealthy scion of a family that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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