The Abandoned Wife

Chapter 1420

Frieda could not help but shudder again.

She was not like Aubree. Aubree had a say over the Pearson family's matters. To her, several tens of millions were nothing.

But in Frieda's situation, she had zero authority in the Queen family. The money she spent was allowance given to her by the elders.

Given how extravagant she was with her money, she had only a few million in her hand.

If I gave Aubree five million in one go, I wouldn't have much left for myself, would I?

"I don't have that much money, Aubree. You should know about my situation." Frieda tried to bargain her way out cautiously.

An ugly scowl showed up on Aubree's face. "Then how much do you have?"

Frieda mulled over it for a moment. "Two million. Can't go any higher..."

I won't have enough to spend if I give her more than two million. Now that I've just rejoined Queen Group, I can't possibly lay my hands on the company's money yet. Besides, Jonathan will surely get suspicious if I use the money now.

me two million today first.

she heard those words. Through the phone, her tone remained sincere. "I will. Don't worry, Aubree. As long as I'm in the Queen family, I won't let you live a tough life!" Satisfied with the response, Aubree snorted coldly and hung up after letting Frieda know the

phone screen reflected

What a bloodsucker!

course, Frieda dared not waste any time as she was also worried that Aubree might do something drastic if

card and

soon as she entered, she was utterly shocked by the environment in

have wondered if the place was even

so mad

Aubree? We can head out and eat something if you

with a smile. Instead of sitting down, she

Aubree notice Frieda's existence. Lifting her gaze, she coldly

the place as soon as possible, Frieda placed the money on the coffee table and turned to

turned around, Aubree stopped her.

for several seconds before she registered what Aubree

few days ago, Aubree had asked her to think of a

behind everything was the Farwell family. Based on Frieda's capabilities alone, there was no way she could go against

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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