The Abandoned Wife

Chapter 1431

Archie and Benny had barely finished reading the discussion online when Estella arrived at their door, leaving them no time to even shout for joy. "Archie, Benny, Ms. Linda is here to give us a ride to school!" she yelled as she rapped firmly on the door to get their attention.

Estella might be staying with them, but Roxanne worked long hours recently, which meant that the little girl didn't get to see her after waking up in the morning. Thus, Estella was dependent on the boys for companionship, eagerly looking forward to seeing them every morning.

This morning, however, the boys were still upstairs even after Linda arrived. Hence, Estella graciously offered to go up there and fetch them.

When Archie and Benny heard Estella's voice, they quickly closed the laptop, but they were unable to restrain the grins that were spreading across their faces.

"Why are you grinning?" Estella was confused, but that didn't stop her from grinning along with them.

Benny patted her head like an adult and replied secretively, "I won't tell you! You'll find out soon, anyway."

I can't believe Daddy released a statement saying we're his children! Does that mean we don't have to keep our identities a secret from him soon? With that thought in mind, Benny turned to look at Archie expectantly.

aware of what Benny was thinking. Despite the broad smile on his face, he wasn't as naive

our minds about Daddy. He loves Mommy


time, Benny dragged Archie to the restroom to avoid

two boys whispered in the

Daddy find out

that statement because the latter

asking that question, he realized that Archie didn't seem happy as he was. Rather, Archie seemed annoyed. Benny was

foolishly innocent demeanor, Archie responded, "Daddy doesn't know that

furrowed his brows. "Seriously? But it must be Daddy who released that statement! If he doesn't know, then why did he say

him solemnly, "Because


doesn't explain our identities, the netizens will assume Mommy had us with another man. They will then insult

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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