The Abandoned Wife

Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563 Begging For It

Roxanne explained, "I told you before that this has nothing to do with him. He doesn't even know that I'm here today."

Tamping down the odd feeling surging within her, she tried her best to remain calm as she stared at the man before her. "Mr. Damaris, the reason why you're doing this is to increase the share of profits for Damaris Group, right? But unfortunately, it's impossible for me to agree to a fifty percent share. Since that's the case, why don't we meet each other halfway?"

Jack sneered. "For your sake, I hope it's true that Mr. Farwell has no idea about our meeting today. Otherwise, should he suddenly appear halfway through our conversation, I don't think we'd have anything more to talk about."

Not wanting to hear Lucian's name coming out of Jack's mouth again, she cut in, "Just tell me what the lowest share you can accept is, Mr. Damaris?"

long time ago, even if Damaris Group does not take the lion's share, the least would be a fifty-fifty share with the research institute." Showing no sign of relenting, Roxanne pressed on, "We can pay three times the price for the medicinal herbs provided by Damaris Group. As for the sales channels, we

"Because right now, you're

certain that he was the one holding all the cards at the moment,

stated, "Thirty percent. That's the

with sarcasm when he said,

Damaris Group get a twenty-eight percent share of profits. That was why we ended our meal on a sour note. And now, she has the gall to propose a mere two percent

with a look of determination as if saying that it

Time ticked by.

take the lives of those patients seriously, huh?" Although Roxanne looked as calm as ever, her heart was actually

choice but to change our medicinal herb supplier. To tell you the truth, the research institute has already found a supplier. However, I still think that the medicinal herbs produced by Damaris Group are of higher quality when compared to other companies. The reason

if Jack refused to take the deal, the research institute would have to turn to another company

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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