Chapter 6257
In the headquarters of Skynet, the guests discussed among themselves in front of Telhervo Hall. Most of them were gloating.
In their opinion, Skynet held the wedding in a high-profile manner to make it an event known to all the worlds. Since the bride didn’t want to get out of the sedan, the wedding had become a great joke.
Now, it depended on how Yegor and Lady Herodias would get out of the situation. After all, all the famous living beings in the Genesis Worlds had come. They couldn't just leave without seeing the wedding.
At this moment, among the powerhouses at the front, Gladwin snorted and said to an elder in green clothes, "Our friend might be humiliated this time. He prioritizes his dignity. This situation will make him more upset than killing him."
The elder in green clothes sighed. "Yegor lives freely, is indifferent to fame and fortune, and is indifferent. Why would he be so careless this time?"
"Don't we understand Yegor enough?" An elder with white hair snorted and said, "It must be because of his wife, Lady Herodias. She's domineering. Because she's Tirta's daughter, everyone has to respect her. Thus, she became more fearless.”

Upon hearing that, Gladwin snorted and said, "No matter how it is, if lustus Sect's saintess doesn't get out of the sedan, Skynet and Yegor's pride and reputation will be affected. What a pity."
Although it sounded like he was sympathizing with Yegor, his words were sarcastic.
At this time, Yaquis Holiness spoke up in the distance. "Skynet gained its prestige from its strength. Yegor also gained his reputation from his terrifying righteous aura. Both can’t be slandered by some shameless
Then, he looked at the living beings around him and mocked, "The living beings with evil intentions are definitely anticipating something to happen to Yegor. Such living beings are so shameless for standing before the prestigious Telhervo Hall."
Many powerhouses present agreed with Yaquis Holiness' words as they nodded.
"Yegor's righteous aura is famous in the Three Thousand Great Genesis Worlds and countless Micro Genesis Worlds. It isn't something that anyone can slander."
"That's right. Only the evil and despicable living beings will slander such a thing."
"How shameless must one be to slander Yegor?"
"Do you guys not know about this?" Yaquis Holiness laughed and said, "The person is trying to seize the position of the Sect Leader and is addicted to being a rebel. Who will take him seriously?"
At that, the powerhouses around Yaquis Holiness turned to look at Gladwin strangely.
Gladwin's face was pale from being ridiculed. Clenching his fists, he said," Yaquis, what the heck do you mean by that?"
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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