Chapter 7051
The atmosphere inside the Gate of Mystery was tense and solemn.
Xanthakos' Marauder Army, comprised of a hundred thousand men, was lined up in battle formation. They seemed ready to charge forward at any moment and tear their enemy into shreds.
A special group of men stood in one line just before these soldiers.
Starting from the center, the eighteen Emperors and Twelve God-Kings serving Xanthakos stood side by side facing the enemy.
They each unleashed dozens of physical clones, which were possessed only by the Daeclon Mahayana Rank cultivators. Each clone emanated bright, colorful lights.
The person standing at the very front and in charge of leading all these men was none other than the Qadeer Temple's young master, Youcef Maevik.
However, Youcef sensed a tremendous amount of pressure on him as he came face to face with James, who sat on top of a sacred lotus.
At the same time, he felt almost overcome by an impalpable sense of helplessness.
Youcef was a fool obsessed with perfecting his skills and powers.
He admired those who were stronger and more enlightened. He was also an upright man who believed in fairness.

Yet, Youcef was forced to go against his own beliefs by his father, who promised to resurrect Youcef’s mother in exchange for his help.
Youcef was ashamed of himself, and he felt deeply tormented.
Above the huge lotus in full bloom, Yianni, Morgott, and Lesia stood around James. They gazed impassively in the enemy's direction.
"Master, Xanthakos must be getting desperate."
Lesia started, "He dispatched the Marauder Army consisting of a hundred thousand of his best men to stop you from taking away the Gate of Mystery." 'These men are no ordinary cultivators." Yianni explained, 'They are neither Alcide beings nor living beings.
"Instead, they were originally the Historial Waltraud Stones found in the Forty-Ninth Heaven.
'The Waitara Path transformed the stones into men, who stood before US now. Each of them possesses the powers of the Soma Daeclon Rank.
"Most importantly, they are immune to the Five Elements and all tribulations.
"Weapons, powerful energies, lightning attacks... These guys are practically impenetrable, no matter what attack you use against them.
'They don’t feel pain or fear. All of that makes them tough and troublesome opponents."
Morgott nodded in agreement. 'The only way to fight these monsters is to crush and exterminate them one by one.
"Also, the Historial Helmnor Formation is another annoying skill they possess.
"Once a target is trapped in the formation, they enter a realm with an endless sea of Paths. There, they experience multiple illusions and lose a sense of reality.
"The person will eventually be completely eradicated inside the formation."
He turned his eyes to Lesia. "Back then, fifteen Great Elders from Hokuwn perished inside the Historial Helmnor Formation.
"If it weren’t because I had the Demonic Body, I might have died in there as well.”
Lesia chuckled softly. 'There are moments where you get scared too, huh?" "Don't provoke me!" Morgott shot a glare at Lesia. Then, he looked at James.
"What do we do now, James? Why don't you let the three of US take care of those guys? You can just watch the battle from the side."
Yianni and Lesia focused their gazes on James as well.
James slowly opened his eyes. A dangerous, enigmatic smile hung on his face. "I am the one they are looking for. Naturally, I should face them head- on in the battle."
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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