Chapter 7067
Thea asked indignantly, "Who are you trying to scare? Why won't you let US go to the Wuia Palace? I’m starting to question your sincerity to work with me."
Emperor Xanthakos' expression shifted dramatically. He said hurriedly, " The Wuia Palace is unlike Xanthakos Temple. It's riddled with countless formations and is heavily guarded by powerful figures. It's the supreme symbol of the Greater Realms.
"If you go there and cause trouble, it won’t just be a matter of escaping. You'll completely alert the enemy, and the Waitara Path's followers will come after you, especially Lord Goyo."
Xanthakos moved closer to Thea and whispered, "If you get into trouble, should my sect save you or not? If we don’t, the Divine Marius and James won’t forgive US. However, we’re not ready for a confrontation as it will ruin our grand plans."
Thea narrowed her eyes slightly, remaining silent. She understood that the ' grand plan’ Xanthakos referred to was not about preventing the return of the Waitara Path but rather competing with Lord Goyo over control of the Forty-Ninth Heaven. The Wuia Grand Event was a mere disguise to recruit powerhouses for the decisive battle."
Xanthakos pleaded, "You're safest here. Moreover, the conference is about to begin. We can't afford disruptions now.

"As for your desire to visit Wuia Palace, once the event concludes, I'll personally accompany you. I won't break my promise."
Thea cast him a glance before turning her attention to Youcef. "Is this your son, renowned as the most gifted genius across the Greater Realms? I'd like to challenge him."
Xanthakos looked at Youcef in surprise. "I..."
"I accept your challenge," Youcef interrupted, staring at Thea.
"Youcef!" Xanthakos’s face darkened with anger. "You have more important matters-"
"It can wait," Youcef replied, immediately launching a punch at Thea.
Dodging to the side, Thea prepared to counterattack, but Youcef transformed into a Sword Light, passing by her and heading into the void. Thea smiled and followed after him.
"Wait!” Xanthakos attempted to stop them, but it was too late.
Frustrated, he punched a nearby lion statue. Then, he sat cross-legged, sending dozens of his Primordial Spirits to catch up. He knew Youcef had just emerged from Gate of Mystery and was well aware of James' current situation. If he shared this information with the Yin governor it would jeopardize his strategy.
However, his Primordial Spirits could not locate them.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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