Chapter 7077
A charming woman gracefully stepped out from the radiant light, emerging from the portal. As she neared the transparent air barrier set by James, she lightly touched it with her jade finger, causing it to shatter instantly.
Under everyone's watchful eyes, the beautiful woman approached James, surrounded by a flutter of colorful butterflies. She emanated a delightful fragrance and exuded charm that left everyone in awe.
The woman and James gazed at each other fondly as if they were old friends reunited after many years.
After a momentary shock, James snapped back to reality. "Sophie..."
The woman opened her arms and replied affectionately, "How lovely!
Come here, let sister kiss you. I’ve missed you a lot!"

James quickly took a few steps back, staring at the woman in disbelief. " Who are you? Why do you look like Sophie?”
The woman pointed at James and questioned Lesia and Yianni, "Which one of you made him a fool? Who took away his intelligence and left him adorably stupid? I can’t wait to take him to bed."
James was rendered speechless.
Lesia and Yianni exchanged glances, covering their mouths to hide their laughter. "If he’s a fool, how did he make you want to help him seize the position of Supreme Path?”
The woman burst into laughter, making her even more captivating.
James realized Harper, who resembled Sophie, was indeed an enchantress. Her every move exuded natural charm, not the result of training but because of her Enchantment Body.
She was a mesmerizing woman, on par with his wife, Lesia, and Yehri. However, she seemed to have a more wild and free aura.
After a while, Harper looked at James with a mischievous smile. "If you want to sleep with me, you can call me darling. If not, you can just address me by my name. You’re not allowed to use any honorific titles with me."
James stared at her and asked, "Is Sophie your Soremsia?"
Harper replied smilingly, "Soremsia? What a nice term for it. Well, I guess she would be considered my Soremsia. We’ve spent quite a long time together, right?"
James suddenly asked, "Wait. Why do you have a Soremsia, but my master doesn’t?"
He turned to Yiannia and questioned, "You..."
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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