Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of endless explosions erupted as the star cluster engulfed the handsome figure, shaking the entire starry sky.
After the explosions ceased, the figure emerged once again and pressed toward Mordecai.
“This can’t be!” Mordecai was utterly terrified.
He unleashed countless palm strikes as he rapidly retreated, but they had no effect on the approaching figure.
“James Caden, are you a Path or a demon?” He pointed at the relentless figure and shouted in panic, “This is my Xurraeus Chessboard.
How can you...” With a swish, James’ afterimage instantly appeared in front of Mordecai.
As he tried to turn and flee, James grabbed him by the hair and yanked him back.
“Sir Mordecai, you've lost.” Mordecai stumbled and fell into the void, lying there and looking up at the towering James.

He was scared out of his wits.
This young man’s presence shattered his understanding of Daoism, delivering a soul-crushing blow.
With a scream, Mordecai scrambled to his feet.
“How did you do it?” “Hand over the wager first.
We have plenty of time to talk.” James extended his hand to Mordecai.
Under James’ sharp gaze, he reluctantly handed over a pen anda scroll.
James took them and examined them carefully.
The pen glowed brilliantly, filled with powerful Waltraud Power, seemingly capable of controlling the entire Haleth Realm.
The scroll, radiating black and white light, hummed faintly, almost alive, and exuded an air of mystery.
Mordecai looked at the items in James’ hand with regret.
“These are the Nothingness Neon Pen and the Zirconia Path Scroll...” “No need to explain, I know,” James interrupted.
“The Nothingness Neon Pen combined with the Zirconia Path Scroll can rewrite the fate, life, death, fortune, and tribulation of any divine being in Haleth Realm.” Mordecai was stunned.
“You know that too?” James picked up the Nothingness Neon Pen and wrote the name Quattro on the Zirconia Path Scroll, then embedded a treasured Quattro inscription into it.
Instantly, a purple-gold light flashed, and the image of Quattro, with its pig head and human body, appeared in the void.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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