Chapter 43 Shameless

The moment the box opened, a dazzling radiance bloomed. Then, a pure, white diamond ring appeared in

everyone’s sight.

“Wow! Such a dazzling diamond ring!” the onlookers exclaimed in amazement.

Although this ring might not be as extravagant as Willow’s unique Ocean’s Heart, it was flawless. It still

appeared to be worth millions.

At this point, Willow was less surprised. Caspian had already given her the one-of-a-kind Ocean’s Heart.

So, a diamond ring worth millions was not as astonishing anymore.

Willow took the flawless diamond ring and placed it on Caspian’s ring finger.

However, as Willow did this, she caught a glimpse of a prestigious watch on Caspian’s left wrist. It was no

ordinary watch. It was from a world-renowned brand, Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Jaeger-LeCoultre was a globally recognized luxury watch brand. Even their most basic models cost tens

of thousands of dollars.

Caspian’ watch seemed to be a meticulously crafted piece. It must be worth several million dollars!

Considering Caspian could afford her ring, a watch worth several million was hardly surprising.

This Jaeger-LeCoultre watch was actually a gift from Sylvia to Caspian. She believed that a successful man needed an exquisite timepiece as a symbol of his success and to enhance his overall presence.

Furthermore, every minute and second was precious for Caspian.

and only me. You’re not allowed to look at other women, and

me well,” Willow said shyly.

in the world. I only love you,”

unexpected display of affection between Caspian and Willow left some of the

feeling excited.

is so handsome! When will


dreaming Willow is one of the most beautiful women in Southlake City. Look

even compare.”

but these groomsmen look decent, too. They all look handsome.

groomsmen have a strong presence and charming faces.

around Richard.”

and Alicia compare themselves to Caspian? Their wedding is

aside other aspects, they

just in terms of groomsmen and bridesmaids.”

limited edition watch on the groom’s

Rumors had it said that they only produce one of

of his costs more than all

Richard use

cars. He even arrived in a helicopter, had fighter jets to escort him, and had high-ranking military officers as companions. Don’t forget the Ocean’s Heart he had prepared for Willow. He definitely

wedding would be this grand. Richard and Alicia

wedding will cause a

of the five wealthiest families in Dhord City are here to support him. His social circle must be on a completely different

stunning woman. They are already a match made in heaven. Now, look at Richard

Alicia felt their faces burning. At this moment, they

their wedding could compare to Caspian’s. They had

Marilyn approached Caspian and

blame me, will you? I said all those things in a fit of anger. I hope you won’t take it to heart,” Marilyn said with an embarrassed smile.

Willow responded


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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