Chapter 83 Killing Frenzy

With a swing of his knife, Caspian exuded a fearsome air.

The men in black who dashed forward first were slashed into halves by Caspian.

At that moment, all the men in black were swarming in. They didn’t even have time to figure out what was going on as they brought their knives down toward Caspian.

Seeing that, Caspian jumped, leaping into midair!

The men were coming in full force, so they didn’t manage to stop in time. Hence, their knives pierced their people.

In mid–air, Caspian had also noticed the situation inside the unfinished building. He spotted a familiar figure, who turned out to be Benedict from the York family.

Hence, Caspian understood what was going on.

The York family must have sent these men!

Caspian could barely suppress his anger now. Back then, Lilith had died at the hands of the York family.

When Caspian thought of Lilith dying miserably at the hands of these people, he was furious. Murderous intent poured out of him.

He would show them fear tonight!

Caspian fell from his position in mid–air,/directing a fierce kick at the people below him.

Screams sounded with every impact he made.

Caspian had great footwork, and he could send a man flying with every kick.

Moreover, corpses were already piling up on the ground at the moment. Caspian had split. quite many men in half.

Blood pooled on the ground as it mixed with the rain. The whole patch of ground was dyed red!

At that moment, Caspian’s knife was already covered in blood.

Caspian’s movements were so outstanding that the men in black shivered a little when they

saw it.

But now, they had no other choice. They had to kill Caspian!

“Attack him all at once! Kill him!” someone shouted.

The men in black abandoned all care as they continued attacking Caspian.



could survive alone. After all, he was surrounded by

of them.

the crazed attacks of the men in black, Caspian waved

the pouring rain, blades gleamed as flesh and blood spattered in the air. Screams blended in

the sounds of rain.

Caspian’s hands had turned into a killing

the anger that

often, it was a piece of cake

his skills, the power of the knife he wielded

before the blade struck them. Then, they found themselves lying in a puddle

others. The people in the building could watch the whole process of Caspian’s battle with the men in

only see a crowd surrounding Caspian. She didn’t know what

in black flying in the air, and a mist of blood

the area.

the sight that she shivered. What if Caspian was killed in the chaotic battle?

shouldn’t come to save me. Why did you still come in the

place. At the very least, he could still survive. If he kept fighting like this, his life

of War, he had no reason to escape. He was just

at leading soldiers into

combat himself.

by step, he had achieved the position of the Diatoranian God

enemies had died at

there was nothing for Caspian to fear.




were about to shoot at him. But then, they realized that they couldn’t see Caspian’s figure.

they had no idea how many of their brothers would die.

only make preparations for now. If Caspian made it past the


Caspian was, Willow felt that he wouldn’t be able to survive. She

almost no chance of Caspian leaving

that the men in black were decreasing

pools of blood. Their blood was mixed with the

thinned, Willow gradually made out Caspian’s current situation.

expression was dark as murderous intent surrounded his b*dy. The knife in his hands

man in black would fall to the ground!

she saw

with Wade and the others, he displayed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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